THE ECLIPSE: the Shaking Comes; Famine; 444; April; 40 Days
March 12, 2024 1:56 PM
Elizabeth Marie
I have 4 more things that I would like to share concerning the upcoming Eclipse, as well as a Message, which is down below. I believe that these ECLIPSES are a WARNING SIGN of a GREAT SHAKING COMING (earthquake?), and of a FAMINE, or great LACK COMING:
1) Back in May of 2022, I wrote an ARTICLE about how the two INTERSECTING TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSES were also a SIGN OF FAMINE that is coming…..just like in the days of Joseph, and the famine on the land of Egypt.
Daniel was given Pharaoh’s dreams to interpret: in the first dream, there were 7 FAT COWS, and 7 SKINNY COWS…..and then the skinny cows devoured the fat cows. The second dream was of 7 healthy, plumb heads of grain, and 7 thin, ‘wind torn’ heads of grain….again, the thin heads of grain then devoured the 7 healthy ones.
In both of these dreams, Joseph interpreted them as 7 years of PLENTY, and 7 years of FAMINE. So Joseph was given the commission to save up for 7 years food storage, so that there would be enough during the 7 YEARS OF FAMINE.
In the same way, I believe that. we are seeing the same pattern, brought to us, not by a king’s dream, but by these 2 Eclipses. They are also 7 years apart, and the actual intersection in an area called, LITTLE EGYPT, ILLINOIS, where they have been known for abundance of farm food.
We have already gone through 7 years of PLENTY……and, now, I believe we will start seeing the 7 years of GREAT LACK and FAMINE coming.
2) On 3/10/24, I awoke to these words:
This is a WARNING from the LORD to prepare for what is coming.
3) On March 5th, 2024, I received two word from the LORD upon awakening
— the month of ‘APRIL’
In the STRONG’s CONCORDANCE, H444 stands for
Here are the 3 verses that this word is used in:
How much less man, who is abominable and FILTHY, Who drinks iniquity like water! Job 15:16
They have all turned aside, They have together become CORRUPT; There is none who does good, No, not one. Psalms 14:3
Every one of them has turned aside;They have together become CORRUPT; There is none who does good, No, not one. Psalms 53:3
4) While doing research on the ECLIPSE, I was reminded about how JONAH called for REPENTANCE…..or in 40 DAYS Nineveh would be overcome.
“And Jonah began to enter the city on the first day’s walk. Then he cried out and said, “Yet FORTY DAYS and Nineveh shall be overthrown!”” Jonah 34
The LORD then reminded me of a prophetic word I had gotten years ago…. but I couldn’t remember when. So, I had to do some digging, and go back into some back into some archives to find the word I had received.
It was from AUGUST 2017…..when I had written an article about the 40 DAYS and the ECLIPSES. What I heard, upon awakening, was:
MESSAGE: The Shaking Comes
Here was the message that I was given in August of 2017: (it was given in 3rd person)
“The day of repentance has come. Will you be found lacking in confession, or will you humble yourselves before HIM.
As it was with Noah, so shall it be again. Forty days of judgment washed over the land. There is a great purging coming, and HE wants his children to be ready for it.
Judgment comes, and it will be swift. The cost will be great, so will the sorrow.
Hide under the wings of the Almighty and let HIM be your defender.
Repent of your sins — don’t hold back… for HE will forgive all who come!
Before long, the SHAKING COMES, and all who feel it will know it is the hand of GOD.
Let not your hearts be troubled, trust in HIM and HE will save you.
Heed the words of the prophets from yester-year, and today. Do not be critical or doubting. Don’t let unbelief in your hearts, for it is the kiss of death.
Remain true to HIM and HE will remain in you. You are loved and cherished.”
“I looked for someone among them who would build up the wall and stand before me in the gap on behalf of the land so I would not have to destroy it, but I found no one. ” (Ezekiel 22:30)