
The earth will shake to and fro – Barbara Francis

Photos courtesy Depositphotos

The earth will shake to and fro

August 13, 2022
Barbara Francis

Yesterday in prayer the Lord said.

There will be a break in the earth’s atmosphere. I have been showing you signs in the sun moon and stars.To the mockers and scoffers. I say, get your house in order I will be dealing with you shortly. When the light is on you smile and and joke but in the darkness you back bite, laugh and cause strife and discord. To my precious Jewels, I say continue to prepare your hearts for the day of the Lord is at hand. My Spirit is being poured out on my sons and daughters. They have been given dreams and visions of the last days to share .They have been given prophecy to speak. Those with Spiritual eyes and ears ,see and hear. I have given wisdom and understanding to those who have asked. I have called many to eternal life yet many choose to take the wide path to eternal damnation.The earth will shake to and fro. Repent now as time comes to an end .

Original Article Can Be Found Here

Photos courtesy Depositphotos 


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