the door to GRACE is closing
July 7, 2020 7:25 AM
Read the 2000 years old story As all stories there is truth written in between the lines and verses. The parables In the 2000 plus years old Book has many secrets. The secrets are revealed to the pure.
The pure that was once unpure. They decided to leave behind the Old ways and step into the new way. The truth, the way and the life. When one chooses a path, transformation Occurs.
Why is it so difficult to comprehend that life and creation by a creator who loved us so much, is impossible, that he came in the flesh, and crucified as the creator, son and spirit, to claim His Children back..from forces we don’t Acknowledge in our existence. He came as a lamb, He promised to come back as a lion, the second time, with the two edged sword. To be a just judge.
The door of Grace is closing sooner then you realize.. too much bloodshed and innocent lives have been destroyed. A true parent will not tolerate these abominations for much longer.
Please open your heart ❤ and accept The way, the truth and the life. He promised enternal peace and unconditional love as a father who gathers his children into his arms and protects them from harm.
There are consequences being in denial, mocking or sitting on the fence. Luke warm Christian. Idolatry and defiance.
Prescueted Christians are suffering right now it coming to a shore within a shore. Shining sea to shining sea with days, months, not even years.
We all have dark secrets that need to be express and banish..shine them.into the light. He is waiting at the door..for His children to wake up before it is too late.
As stories, books and even entertainment the truth is no longer hidden.
The darkness, hatred and evil is suffocating the children on earth. Time to accept the possibility and be ready to fly…as the door to GRACE is closing. Pray for the lost to be Found. Ask Him to show himself to you. He is real, He is alive..He is inside you. Come as you are. All will be forgiven…
Tomorrow is not promised. Seek Him today.