Destroyer, Prophecy

THE DESTOYER – Collins Ouma


Aug 22, 2019, 2:28 AM
Collins Ouma


Message I received on 8th July,2019 around 3:30am after my morning intercession.

O earth!O earth! Woe to you inhabitants of the earth. For destruction so spoken by My prophets are here with you.

Woe to them that are slumbering.

Woe to them that seem oblivious to these times

Woe to them that DON’T KNOW ME AND HAVE NO INTIMATE RELATIONS WITH ME. They will run here and there, hopeless, destitute and in despair for the SHAKING HAS ARRIVED.

Woe to them whose ‘god’ is silver and gold,for it shall not help them in these times. Woe to them that have rejected Me,despised My prophets and blasphemed My word their destruction will be swift.

Woe to the false prophet and teachers their DOOM HAS ARRIVED.

The ‘DESTROYER’ is here with you man, shall you not know it? Only them that know Me and obey Me shall I keep. Nothing of what shall happen upon this earth shall affect them for their joy and peace will be made perfect and complete. For when this happens their time of REDEMPTION IS NIGH. My son can’t wait to have His bride with Him.PRAY !!PRAY!!PRAY!! THAT YOU MAY BE ABLE TO STAND.

The following are the scriptures He gave me:

Deut 7:9-10
Isa 66:14-18
Micah 7: 16-17
Zecharia 4:5,13


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