December 30, 2021 12:12 PM
Handmaid of the Most High
5:15 AM December 30, 2021
An hour after I finished with the most recent word for Indonesia, I lay down to sleep. I had a vision.
I was sitting on in a helicopter viewing the nation of Indonesia. Initially, all I saw was brown, I thought it was just mud slides. The Holy Spirit when questioned about what I saw, told me to look closer.
Much of it was leveled land. Most trees lay above ground parallel to the ground with their roots exposed and visible. Houses were leveled. Their pieces strewn nearby and sometimes a block or two away, particularly those not constructed with sturdy materials. One house I saw close up was professionally built with cement block and wood. The second story was nearly gone. The front was completely gone. Furniture for the most part was strewn close by and among these most they were covered in mud and damaged. Even the major appliances (washer/dryer) were a few feet away. I saw a heavy sofa and the stove still in their places and various household items tossed about still within it.
I was made to know that this was the result of more than one event. I did not see any people at these certain places. I knew many were gone, dead. I do not know if all the population was gone. If they were gone, if some may have been evacuated. I know in my spirit the number of lives lost was substantial and that there were many shocked by the loss.
I heard the Holy Spirit say that many did not heed His warning. Though He mourned, they had been warned by many messengers.
I heard that this was a warning to the world! All must come to Him and repent. The people of earth must realize that time has come, the reckoning has come! He wants all to have a Revelation of Him!
We are not in a simulation.
Realize even satan is telling you the days remaining are few. He wants you to fear him. We are told we are to fear God alone. If you live in fear, you are not fully trusting in God. Luke 12:4-6 You lack faith. Faith comes by hearing (and reading) the Word of God. Romans 10:17 Many do not listen to Godly followers of the Lord, thus they do not teach truthfully, nor do you read the Word. You neglect your spiritual health and are easy prey for satan.
~Handmaid of the Most High~