The Days Of Darkness Will Be Upon You Soon!
April 13, 2020 7:53 PM
Message given 4.12.20
Daughter I am returning soon. I am coming for My own. THE DAYS OF DARKNESS WILL BE UPON YOU SOON – and I will use that event to transform many of My own – namely those who abide in Me. I AM the vine – you are the branches. Dark days are coming surely. Many are waking up as their world slowly is collapsing around them. Death, destruction, chaos, famine. Famine is just around the corner as I have already told you – and the soon to be economic collapse of your nation America. Oh America! Would that you could be healed – but you were not! You did not choose Me – I have chosen you! But you have forsaken your first love. Murderer! You have murdered My innocent ones and now you shall pay! “I SHALL REPAY” SAYETH THE LORD!
Prepare children for what is coming – dire things will come upon this earth. I have warned and My messengers have proclaimed My message – but it has fallen mostly on deaf ears. But they will hear Me when this pandemic continues – morphing into another mutation, a variant. The days are coming when you WILL be locked inside your homes with no way out, no hope for the future. BUT THERE IS HOPE IN ME – YOUR SAVIOR AND LORD! I still call out to My people but the darkness will soon come upon this earth. It is waiting – ready to descend upon your earth and is alive and grows. It feeds on fear and many yes, will experience fear when they see this darkness descending upon their land. This is not unlike the plagues I sent to My people Israel in the former rain. They too had to lock themselves into their abodes for fear of what they saw and witnessed. So too shall you witness these events come upon your earth – BUT DO NOT FEAR MY CHILDREN! I am raising up a mighty army of warriors to battle against the forces of the evil one.
Prepare children as never before. (What are we to prepare for Lord?) FAMINE, PESTILENCE, DARKNESS, LOSS OF LIFE. I WILL BE THE LIGHT SHINING IN THE DARKNESS AS WILL MY PEOPLE. Rise up oh saints of God! Arise! Your hour is come upon this earth! Soon you will be with Me in My heavenly Kingdom but for now we must be about My Father’s business. Hurry while daylight remains. Soon darkness comes. Prepare your abodes as the Israelites, My chosen people of old did. They hid themselves away in their abodes until the time was past and the darkness receded. But evil will reign during that dark time. The demons WILL be released upon your earth and WILL wreak havoc for the hour of mine enemy is come.
Rise up oh saints! The harvest is calling! The masses are rising up for I have called many to Me.
I come soon daughter upon the clouds of glory! Tell the world I am coming soon! I will return to this earth from whence I came! But will I find faith upon My return?
Look for Me in the clouds! I go to prepare a feast – a supper for My bride!
Your faithful bridegroom
Yeshua Ha Mashiach
Scripture Reference:
Exodus 10:21-23. 21 Then the LORD said to Moses, “Stretch out your hand toward heaven, that there may be darkness over the land of Egypt, darkness which may even be felt.” 22 So Moses stretched out his hand toward heaven, and there was thick darkness in all the land of Egypt three days. 23 They did not see one another; nor did anyone rise from his place for three days. But all the children of Israel had light in their dwellings.
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