Krystal Beall
JULY 26 2018
The hour of deliverance so long anticipated by ME has come. And so many of my beloveds have longed for this hour as well. I AM IN EXCRUCIATING PAIN. The labor is fierce and I AM birthing forth my kingdom. Those who have suffered for me your reward is GREAT. I AM saddened by the condition of man. I AM saddened in the fact I have been rejected. I DESIRE MAN WITH ALL I AM. I DESIRE TO DWELL IN THE GARDEN WITH YOU. AND I WILL. You shall eat and be satisfied. One does NOT know the bitternes and pangs of my heart. Save the ones…my select few in whom I have revealed my sorrows. In them I have revealed myself and though I AM GOD. I TOO AM MAN. I weep and mourn as any man. I have feelings. I WAS DENIED. In my denial you shall find your acceptance. I was rejected. Have you really allowed that to pierce your heart? It means just that. I WAS DENIED AND REJECTED. AM I NOT THE MAN OF SORROWS? You think my sorrows have ceased? I TELL YOU THE TRUTH..THEY HAVE NOT. FOR THEY HAVE INCREASED. I too desire to LIVE. DO NOT DENY MY DIVINITY NOR MY HUMANITY. I AM WHO I AM. NOT WHO MAN DESIRES I BE TO PLEASE HIM. There is A GREAT AND PAINFUL REVELATION THAT ALL MUST KNOW. YOU MUST FOR IT IS MY TRUTH. AND YOU SHALL KNOW WHY I MOURN AND THE DESTRUCTION SHALL BE SO SEVERE. I shall abase for sin. I shall avenge the blood spilled on the soil in which cries out to me. I shall heal and restore. I AM NOT A MAN THAT I WOULD LIE. Are you indoctrinated by the religions of men? Are you set in your thoughts about me that are wrought in lies and delivered by the father thereof? It is written yet it is NOT known.THE SORROW OF MY HEART IS GREAT. That which you have robbed me of shall pierce your hearts with a loud cry. You shall look upon the one you have pireced and for ME shall you mourn as one for an only son. TO THOSE WHO KNOW THIS PAIN ALL TO WELL. you know the agony in which I speak. To those who are unfamiliar with this sorrow. You shall know it in an instant. I AM pleased with many of you. MANY STILL I AM NOT. I HOLD MUCH AGAINST YOU. As I have mourned and still do. You too shall mourn. I AM LOVE. I AM MERCY. I AM ALSO WRATH AND JUSTICE. Many know not this side of me. It is VASTLY UNKNOWN. WHEN I AM REJECTED…I PLEAD WITH MEN IN MY LONGSUFFERING AND MERCY TO REPENT. I cry as a beggar of love to return to me. MY CRIES HAVE LEFT ME DEPLETED OF MYSELF AND MY HEART RENT INSIDE ME. Many ears are deaf. THE VEIL IN WHICH BLINDS YOU I SHALL REMOVE. To all whom have received injustice I say to you REJOICE for I AM JUSTICE. AND I SHALL RESTORE ALL THAT THE LOCUST HAS CONSUMED FROM YOU. To those whom have hurt you…I shall repay. I shall vist thee. REPENT. FOR I SHALL CEASE WITH MY WARNINGS AND MY MERCY SHALL DEPART. THROUGH MUCH SORROW MANY HAVE COME TO KNOW ME. And with MUCH sorrow MANY more shall come. I LOVE MAN. I DESIRE YOU. HOW LITTLE I AM LOVED. I LITTLE I AM DESIRED. You have been deceived. Many of you by the god of this world. BLINDED BY PROSPERITY AND GREED. MATERIALISM HAS PULLED MANY UNDER YET THEY THINK THEY RESIDE ON THE TOP. THE APOTOSY IS HIGH. THE FALLING AWAY IS HERE. IT INCREAES WITHOUT CEASE. WHERE IS THE HARVEST I SHED MY BLOOD FOR. WHERE IS THE FRUIT I AM WORTHY AND DESERVING OF. I SHALL SURELY RECEIVE AND CONSUME OF IT IN FULL. I SHALL SEE THE TRAVAIL OF MY SOUL AND BE SATISFIED. I AM DELIVERING .BEHOLD I COME QUICKLY MY REWARDS ARE WITH ME. LOOK UP FOR YOUR REDEMPTION HAS ENTERED. I have grown weary with the evil in which men call good. Where is this promise of his coming? All things remain the same. It has always been like this. YOU are deceived. IT HAS NOT. IT HAS INCREASED AS THE SIN AND DEGRADATION HAVE. DEBAUCHERY IS A DEADLY SWORD. Take your rest as I wept those words to three of my closet once before. Take your rest. Ye could not watch for one hour with me. And now the hour of fire…capture and slaughter has come…My pleas in that hour were unheaded and so it TRUE for this hour as well. The fire came with anger and fury. The darkness grew thick and grown men wept in sorrow…remorse and fear..I was and AM FAITHFUL…FOR JOY WAS BEHELD IN THE MORNING…UPON THE SHORE .DO YOU LOVE ME? DO YOU LOVE ME? DO YOU LOVE ME ?