The Countdown Has Begun
August 11, 2020 9:29 PM
“So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth; it shall not return to Me void, but it shall accomplish what I please, and it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it.” (Isaiah 55:11)
While at work today I was thinking about all the changes that were going on in the world and that was beginning to impact our lives. Then in my spirit I heard the word ‘countdown’. Later I received the following message. (8.10.11)
Daughter the end is here. Soon life as you know it will disappear. This will be the new normal. As your civil liberties are being slowly removed you will have to answer to many – your government, your workplace, your churches even will be places where you will be interrogated, questioned, scrutinized. The other day you had an experience where you felt you were treated like a criminal. This is the new normal. My children will be harassed, persecuted and hunted down for their faith. They will undergo what I suffered and more. Many of My own are not ready to be received by Me and will have to undergo the fire of suffering and persecution – yes. But fear not! I have said I would be with you until the end of days. I AM THE BEGINNING AND THE END. YOU MUST PUT ALL YOUR TRUST AND FAITH IN ME. What is coming will shake many to the core of their hearts. If you are in Me – you will not be easily shaken.
It is coming. Soon judgments will be released on the earth for the takedown of the human race. It is begun. The words spoken by the prophets of old is about to be fulfilled. My word will not return void and will perform that which it was established for. Fear not children! Place your faith not on man or tradition but in Me – your savior Yeshua.
I have told you what is to come. The sun, moon and stars will darken. Stars will fall from the skies. Heavenly objects will enter your atmosphere at an alarming rate. Even the scientists who have observed this phenomena will be taken aback at the speed (how fast something moves), velocity (speed with a direction) and trajectory (the path followed by a projectile flying or an object moving under the action of given forces) of these space objects. Meteors will pass very close to the earth as well as asteroids and the Great Comet which is yet to come. Hail will fall from the skies like icicles – causing innumerable damage to whatever it hits. The seas will swell and roar and recede before crashing into the earth in a mighty wave. This tsunami will take down cities – buildings, vehicles, landmarks – many lives will be taken at this time. The meteor showers will spread across the sky hurtling towards earth with great velocity and force. The earth will not be able to sustain these assaults from the heavens and the foundations of your planet will begin to crumble under the weight of these projectiles. I have said to watch the heavens. There you will see spectacular displays of My power and My fury.
The time of judgment is come upon this earth and there is no turning back the judgments which are coming. The only sure safe haven is to be found in Me alone. No other will protect you and shelter you and provide for you in the coming days, weeks. My children have run out of time. THE COUNTDOWN HAS BEGUN. Many of you know the hour of destruction is soon coming upon this earth. Prepare your hearts, prepare your abodes. Shout from the mountain tops that I am returning soon and you will soon see the Son of Man descending upon the clouds in glory.
I come children! I come!
Prepare your hearts to receive Me – your Savior.
Be Holy as I am Holy.
Walk in My footsteps.
Come follow Me.
Your Lord and Savior
He who Saves
Scripture Reference:
Joel 3:15-17 15 The sun and the moon shall be darkened, and the stars shall withdraw their shining. 16 The Lord also shall roar out of Zion, and utter his voice from Jerusalem; and the heavens and the earth shall shake: but the Lord will be the hope of his people, and the strength of the children of Israel.
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