The Coming Pandemic
October 2, 2023 7:29 PM
Bro Case
About six weeks before the New Year 2023, God had spoken to me in a time of prayer. He said to me, “Casey, you are in the outer court and for Me to protect you the way that I desire, you must come into the Holy Place.” “In the times that are to come, those in the outer and inner courts, will be left vulnerable and susceptible. There will be many who will be taken out prematurely but this is not My will. Draw near and stay close to Me. Be quick to repent and obey My instruction.”
I asked Him how to do this and He said, “Live with Me in the Psalm 91 Secret Place.”
Heading into New Year 2023 (January), God had said to me that He would share something important. I didn’t know what or when He would do this but expectation was set in my heart.
On New Year’s Day, my home church was having an encounter service where the Holy Spirit was given room to move and have His way. I was worshiping near the altar, when one of the pastors came and prayed for me. As he did, I felt the power of God come strongly and it caused me to go down. As I lay there, I was almost instantly taken into a vision. This is uncommon for me. This was not an open eyed vision because my eyes were closed but I saw things in extreme clarity. The scene before me was at night in the ocean and this huge ship was slowly going by. As it passed me, I could see the name on the side read ‘Titanic’. The ship was slowly moving through the still waters when a series of explosions took place at the hull of the ship. Observing this, I asked God what was I seeing. He replied, “The Titanic represents the nation that you are living in. These explosions represent events, plans, and attacks – past, present and future that have been orchestrated to take it down.” When He said this, I knew one of these events was 9/11 and another was Covid. I asked Him what specifically were the things being represented in the explosions. The only response He gave to me was “Pestilences”. I knew that there were other things involved but this was the only thing He said in that moment. I asked Him what He wanted me to do with what He was showing me. He said, “Cry out for mercy.”
The setting was still a time of worship but I didn’t want to shout or scream and disturb others so I said in a semi loud voice, “Have mercy God.”
He responded to me, “Casey, I said CRY out for Mercy!”
I am ashamed to say, that I didn’t want to disturb others by shouting but really it was the fear of man. I disobeyed and didn’t cry out but instead again, in a semi loud voice said: “Have mercy God.”
I could feel the Lord’s displeasure from my disobedience. In my heart, I knew I was scared to shout what He was telling me to say because of what others thought.
He said to me, “Get up and go into that corner.”
I opened my eyes and looked towards the corner by the side of the altar. I saw with my eyes open, an angel standing in that corner. God said to me again, “Casey, get up and go over there.”
I obeyed and walked over into that corner and fell down on the floor right in front of this angel. The presence of God was strong and the moment I was on the floor, I saw another vision but this time, it was a picture of a sign, almost like a picketing sign. It read in big black letters, “Mass Death”.
It is at this point that God speaks to me firmly and says, “Now cry out for mercy as if what I am showing you will actually happen.”
Instead of holding back like I did previously, I felt the urgency and grief of The Lord to cry out. The moment I opened mouth, I yelled out, “Have Mercy God!!!” As I did, travail hit me and it was like God began crying out through me. During this sequence, several other people began to cry out for mercy too, though I didn’t see who they were.
This time of crying out and travail was not long, I would estimate no more than 5 minutes but it was intense. As quickly as it came, it then lifted. I was exhausted, laying on the floor, thinking about what just happened. God spoke to me and said clearly, “When I tell you to do something, you need to do it and there isn’t to be any more hesitation on your part. The time will soon come where obedience will be a matter of life and death. I need that from My people.”
It’s been many months now since the New Year and we are getting closer now to the end of this year. Given the weight of this word, I should have immediately shared it but I didn’t. I did not forget about this word but The Lord highlighted to me when the Titan submersible, sent to view the Titanic, was in the news when it sunk. God said to me that it was a sign and a confirmation to what He had previously showed me.
Most recently, He led me to a prophetic warning from a man of God who I believe is hearing from The Lord. When I listened to his message, I knew again, God was confirming what He had shown me and that it was important for me to now share it with others. Please see take the time to listen to what this man was shown because I believe it will bring much more detail and explanation to what God had given me.
Lastly, I was not given anytime frame as to when these events would take place. One could assume that since this was given on New Year’s day 2023 that it will be this year but I have learned with God, we cannot assume such things. So though it may still take place this year, it may also take place at a different time. What is important to recognize is that a warning like this requires us to change routine and our way of life to get ready. There is no doubt that with the sharp increase of warnings on this topic, God is telling us that this will happen at some point in the future and He wants His people prepared. We must follow what He has already laid out for us which is to cry out for His Mercy, get close to Him, stay close to Him and be quick to obey His instruction. Come,
Abide and Obey
Video God used to confirm “Pestilence”:
Psalm 91
Psalm 27
Psalm 23
Psalm 51
How to prepare for the days ahead:
Photos courtesy Depositphotos