Victoria Ang
My daughter more and more darkness fill the land! So many are falling into the deception and traps of the evil one. Not knowing my word! Not seeking refuge in me! But seeking others that lead them down the path of deception and lies. For they do not take the time nor effort to know their Heavenly Father!
Many of those that call themselves mine are being blinded to the truth of my word. Lies and deception twist my word into their own words! The answers will be placed in the hearts of those that seek me fully. For my word never comes back void for those that truly have a heart after mine. Oh children , the clock has almost stopped before the final moment of the doors being fully closed ,for safety. If only you would place your trust in me! The midnight hour will strike. And I will no longer be able to turn time back. As my word will be fulfilled! For it is written!!!
Yeshua Hamasiach