The church will become a fraternity: personal revelations from YAH
January 21, 2024 8:43 AM
Olasubomi Williams
These are personal revelations I received from the lord.
Unfortunately, YouTube has suspended me for the next two weeks so I couldn’t put this in video format. So Yah has made me to understand that for his church and his people to stay alive. They have to learn how to write in codes. As many people will be persecuted and killed in the beast system, in order to survive, we need to come up with different strategies for communication. Information will be greatly restricted as the technology we have today will be controlled by the beast system. People will have to start communicating with pens and papers as well as using abstract forms to relay information to the church. Yah has also told me that the people should also be wise and discerning about their members because some of them will defect to the beast system and act as insiders. There are also going to be Christians spies who will work for the government of the beast that will act as YAH’S eyes and ears as well as the church gathering information concerning the beast system and their next plan of attack. However, information must be coded and secretive as the enemy will capture some of the remnants and interrogate them through torture, propaganda and brainwashing techniques and unfortunately many of them will become martyrs of the faith. Yah also says that the church should congregate in small batches as we do in Nigeria(house fellowship) so as to not catch the eyes of the beast government and that the church will be broken into cells where people’s houses would be used as a church and large gatherings will only run the risk of capture or bombings. Yah also says that when you get a new convert or a new member, do your background check before welcoming them as many will be used as agents of the beast to get information and capture his people. He says that the church will become a fraternity that many of the tactics used by fraternities will be adopted by the church in the future times. Until you can fully trust a new convert, do not let them know the location of your place of gathering. Also Yah says that when you do it in your house, use your basements so as the bugs(trackers) in your homes do not alert the government. That is all people of God. Be blessed.
So this is just an example of what YAH has shown me. He will inspire some of his people especially his researchers to come of with several different techniques that they will implement to escape the hands of the beast.
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