The Burden of the United States of America
June 29, 2020 1:14 PM
Jack Pine
December 17, 2015
The bow has been bent,
The arrow has flown,
And it shall not be called back.
Judgment is declared,
The decree is gone forth,
And the word of the Lord shall be fulfilled.
Violence is in the street,
Lies are spoken as truth—there is no justice!
Perversion is set forth as righteousness.
Innocent blood cries from the earth,
The land is utterly polluted and corrupted,
The people believe lies and know not the truth.
Scripture is perverted by false teachers and pastors —
O wretched, self-righteous, promotors of falsehood!
The true knowledge of history has perished.
Men endure not the proclamation of the truth,
Lies and treachery abound; the wicked scream in fury,
As enraged beasts—they stop their ears.
Thus, this nation will be utterly destroyed—
Old and young, man and woman,
Child and infant—
By fire and flame, poison and pestilence,
Bullet and bomb, violence and mayhem,
Rape and rapine.
The monuments are thrown down,
The land is desolate,
And all is overcome.
The abundance of food is cut off;
Famine shall prevail until the pride of man perishes,
And the wicked is rooted out of the land.
And, of the once great nation, it shall be said,
“She has fallen! She has fallen! She has fallen!
She shall not rise again.
Mourn my people! Set your hearts aright,
Cry for mercy, wisdom, and refuge—
For your suffering will be great.
Set your mind on heavenly things;
Your citizenship is in heaven!
The Lord Jesus will be with you always,
Even until the end… just as He said.
08/25/2013, 09/18/18; 09/2015, 10/01/2017, 04/04/2018
Time for Christian Men to Seek Their God
HE that dwells in the help of the Highest, shall sojourn under the shelter of the God of heaven. 2 He shall say to the Lord, Thou art my helper and my refuge: my God; I will hope in him. 3. For he shall deliver thee from the snare of the hunters, from every troublesome matter. 4 He shall overshadow thee with his shoulders, and thou shalt trust under his wings: 5 Thou shalt not be afraid of terror by night; nor of the arrow flying by day; 6 nor of the evil thing that walks in darkness; nor of calamity, and the evil spirit at noon-day, 7 A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand; but it shall not come nigh thee. 8 Only with thine eyes shalt thou observe and see the reward of sinners. 9 For thou, O Lord, art my hope: thou, my soul, hast made the Most High thy refuge. 10 No evils shall come upon thee, and no scourge shall draw nigh to thy dwelling. 11 For he shall give his angels charge concerning thee, to keep thee in all thy ways.12 They shall bear thee up on their hands, lest at any time thou dash thy foot against a stone. 13 Thou shalt tread upon the asp and basilisk: and thou shalt trample on the lion and dragon. 14 For he has hoped in me, and I will deliver him: I will protect him, because he has known my name. 15 He shall call upon me, and I will hearken to him: I am with him in affliction; and I will deliver him, and glorify him. 16 I will satisfy him with length of days, and shew him my salvation.
The days are dark upon the earth; the signs are ominous. We have passed the point of no return.1 The land we love is no more, and the days of distress are upon us. The dividing has begun; therefore, choose now which side you will be on, for Satan is loosed for a season of wrath. Do not let him steal your soul; but fear God, who has power to cast the unbelieving soul into hell, which has been prepared for the devil and his angels.
The day will come when there will be no choosing. The way to destruction is wide open, and the seething mass of humanity is caught in a surge flowing to perdition. There is no escape for the ungodly; they are as chaff, which the wind drives away. Their memory will be consumed into oblivion; but the way of the righteous will be recounted forever, and they will shine as the stars of heaven.
Call upon the name of the Lord Jesus Christ for it is the name above every name—there is salvation in no one else. By the invocation of that Name, the Holy Trinity is energized to bring about divine will. Walk in love, not in fear; for fear brings torment and fulfills the will of the evil one.
Pray that God will open your eyes and enable you to see into the darkness, for the day is coming when no man will see without God’s aid and illumination. Put on the full armor of God. Walk in righteousness, praying always in the heavenly language, which God always gives to those who ask in faith; for as we pray in the Spirit, the Holy Spirit, who dwells in all who have called upon the Lord Jesus Christ for salvation, illuminates the path. Jesus is the Savior of the World. Outside of fellowship with all the blessed Holy Trinity— Father, Son, and Holy Spirit—there is no hope in this Dark Age. _________________________________________________________
1. Judgment is determined unless “the whole people repent” cf.Jonah 2:5-10; Rev. 9:20, 16:11; Jer. 20:10-18.
Seek the dwelling of God’s peace and the covering of His wings. Be not burdened by the cares of the world, for in comparison to the glory to be revealed, they are as a fleeting vapor.
Hearing the voice of God is essential. Listen to the voice that says, “This is the way; walk ye in it.” Heed the word of the Lord. Forsake His voice, and destruction will fall upon you. Anxiety clouds the voice of God and is in opposition to faith. The enemy uses anxiety to tempt us toward wrong choices.
Receive God’s unfathomable love for His great love is given to those who cleave to Him. Endure, endure, and endure! God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit will aid you. The living God will not forsake you. Joy beyond comprehension will be yours and darkness will flee.
Be steadfast in faith, resolute in conviction, and unbending in determination. Not all believers will survive the onslaught of evil in this world, but those who know their God will be received into everlasting habitations. The pains of death will be fleeting; the agony of the body will cease. Nothing will separate those who love God from their eternal destiny; for the Glory of God will envelope those who endure in faith. Rejoice always and be not moved, for darkness will cease and the light of God will surround the righteous.
The raging storm, though great, will eventually pass, and the memory of its fierce fury will be replaced with unspeakable joy for those who endure until the end. Death will be swallowed up in victory on the last day.