
The bride will be transformed – Barbara Francis

The bride will be transformed

Oct 19, 2019 5:11 AM
Barbara Francis

When you walk with me you walk with the LIGHT of the world. When you talk with me I reveal my ways to you. I love you. I will protect you. Trust me , have faith in me. I AM always with you. I will never leave you or abandon you. The time of Darkness began on September 24th 2015. I have overcome the darkness and the world. There is no other like me. Soon the Adversary will be ruler of the earth. Many walk with him now. A spirit of Deception and delusion will overcome many as they agree to take his Mark willingly . He is now a man of Darkness Danger and Deceit. Your Father in Heaven does not want anyone to perish,that is why he has delayed. This is why his Messengers and Prophets remain.They continue to call the last sheep. REPENT, REPENT. Your sins will be forgiven as promised and remembered no more. The bridegroom comes at midnight the hour is late . Have you made yourself ready. ? The bride will be transformed. Call on me now I have prepared a place for you . I WILL CALL YOU TO ME.

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