
The bitter and the sweet – Krystal Beall

The bitter and the sweet

November 20, 2019
Krystal Beall

My beloved faithful how I hear your heavy sighs and wear your weariness and longing as my own. Your prayers have I heard…I have listened. I have answered. Faith. Not sight. The sorrows in which you taste are a partaking of my own. I know the pain. It is mine. I AM he who heals you. I AM he who restores you. I have. When I share with you a sip from my bitter cup know that you are partaking of my life….all I AM in full. Consuming me. Sharing with me….walking the narrow path together. In the midst of your sorrow know that I AM with you. There is good for all who love me and are called according to my purpose. The pain you feel from those closest to you are among my greatest shared sufferings. This is the portion of my cup when many withdraw from me. The pain is unbearable for many of you…as was…is for me. Am I not the man of sorrows? Was I not despised? Was I not hated… rejected.. .not received by even my own? Yea..I was…I AM. You who share this intimacy with me am I in. Your tears are mine. Was I not believed? Betrayed? Yes..I was!!! I AM. I wept bitterly. You are partakers of my life in full measure. I share my life. My all with my flock. The bitter and the sweet. I AM still despised today. I AM still the man of sorrows. I AM he who was…is acquainted with deep grief…familiar with suffeing. I AM the slain lamb and the risen lion of Judah. I AM he who hung on the cross…bleeding out my life…Pouring out my love…my grace…my mercy in fountains as men mocked and scorned me. I AM he who forgave. He who still forgives. He who’s arms were spread in love and eagerness to draw all men unto me. My arms await thee. Come. I AM he who was dead and behold I AM alive forever more. I AM he too who is risen in Glory. I AM almighty. I AM that I AM. I AM among you. Behold I come quickly. You can not fathom the glory of it all. My glory. In the twinkling of an eye all will change. I will not leave you where you are. I will raise you. Faith …not sight. Trust me. Believe. Know. I AM for you. I AM with you. In you. Look up my heavy downcast souls. Look up. What was consumed by locusts I have restored in full far above and beyond all you could ever hope for. I AM good. I love you. I have always loved you. An everlasting love. With kindness have I drawn you. Is there anything too hard for me? Is there anything impossible be with or for me? Nothing is impossible with or for me. Nothing is to hard for me. I delight in giving good gifts. I desire to see and hear you rejoice. Those who are heavy….You will rejoice in unceasing abundance. All who sow in tears…Reap…Reap songs of joy…shouts of loudest be praise. All things new. Look up. A wedding banquet. A banner of love. Revelation.

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