The Beast
November 4, 2020 11:42 AM
Tasha Grant-Reid
Received October 24, 2020.
The Beast is getting ready to strike… only those in me will survive. There is no time left…all those playing around with sin, with God… will be caught unaware. Those who are seeking me will find me and the truth. Satan’s lies abound, only a few do not falter. As in the days of Noah so are these days… numbered and short. Time for me is not like the Beast time… I give place for repentance and none have seemed to follow but I have always had a group(remnant) that will only listen to me, my voice. Don’t weary yourself out for the things of the world, for they shall come to naught. My children, it is high time for you to wake up and hear…hear… hear what I AM saying to you. None shall pass this test without me. None shall run this race without me. To no avail they will run to and fro but no one changes who I AM. Alpha… beginning… Omega… End.
Listen to the voice of my holy spirit in you… stop running from the call of God on your life. For, you will be disappointed if you do.
Stay true to your calling children, rest assured I AM always with you even to the end.
Your Lord & Saviour Jesus Christ.
Written by:
Tasha Grant-Reid