
The Beast is Rising but You are to Overcome! – Holy Spirit Wind

The Beast is Rising but You are to Overcome!

March 29, 2020 2:58 PM
Jeff Byerly


My son I want you to give a message to My saints, My chosen ones.

The enemy has cast a spell upon the world and he is entangling and entrapping with his lies at a level that has never been seen before. He has even ensnared many of My own. This man-made pestilence has put fear in the hearts of most but My saints, My chosen ones are not afraid. I tell you once again all is not as it seems. There is much hidden below the surface concerning this. The plan of the enemy is to create his beast system and it is in the works behind the scenes but I have enlightened many to his plan. Those who work for the enemy have had the multitudes look away to the distraction while evil plots, plans and schemes for the destruction of those made in My image are being put into place.

The governments of this world, though not as unified as they soon will be under the beast, are working towards one goal and that is the one-world system even now. Their plan is being put into place right before everyone’s eyes and very few even see it because of the wicked spell that has been cast. It is like a veil of darkness that gets thicker and blacker by the day. No man can do anything to stop this plan. I am the only one who could even stop it! I warn My saints, My chosen ones, do not allow yourselves to even be tested for this man made pestilence (The coronavirus or Covid-19) and DO NOT BY ANY MEANS take the “so called” inoculation or “cure” for this so called “pandemic”.  The phrase “the-cure-is-worse-than-the-disease” truly is the case with this. When this is administered it will truly be a “trojan horse” that will contain the plagues of the fourth seal in it. Believe Me when I say THESE ARE MUCH WORSE! This will be coupled with the technology that is being installed even now across the world. Trust in Me, pray to Me, believe the promises in My word and I will protect you from all of this technology, pestilence and plagues.

This evil plan is being allowed to go forth for it is written and it is the time. It is the time of trials, testing and tribulation. Do not confuse this time of tribulation, when I allow the enemy’s wrath, with the time of My wrath. The beast is rising but you are to overcome! My saints, My chosen ones; you will overcome him by My blood and the word of your testimony and not being afraid of death in this world, for it leads to everlasting life in the world without end. You are not appointed to My wrath but the world is. You are not of the world, you are only in the world for testing and refinement.

The greater part of the world has now been stirred into a frenzy of fear by the media and governments worldwide. Through this they have gained control and locked-down much of your world’s population without much of a fight. They have made rules that have never before been thought of (social distancing of 6 feet and no groups of 10 or more people) and many people are obeying this blindly out of fear. While this is going on the governments are putting troops, artillery, machinery and weaponry in place for what comes next.

But even in this I am at work, for as the men of this world are having their freedoms taken from them some are crying out to Me. Is this not good? This is exactly how I work! I take what the enemy has meant for harm and used it for the good of My kingdom. My people listen to what I say now; while you are in this time of decreased physical and social activities spend more time seeking Me and learn to hear My voice better. This is imperative for the times that are ahead!

Soon this messenger that I am using to give you this message and all of My other true messengers will be silenced. The false prophets shall continue to spew forth the lies of the enemy, even as they do now. You will need to listen and obey My voice yourself to navigate through the perilous journey that lies just ahead. (Isaiah 30:21) Your ears shall hear My words behind you, saying, “This is the way, walk in it,” whenever you turn to the right hand or whenever you turn to the left. Do not think that you will escape this world before your work here is done. I will safeguard those who dwell in the secret place of the Most High, who are seated in heavenly places with Me, during the hour of trial that comes upon the entire inhabited earth, just as they safeguarded the Word by observing it, which requires My endurance which I give to you by My Spirit. (See Ps.91:1-2, Eph. 2:6 and Rev. 3:10 below)

The beast that is rising, the little horn also called the AntiChrist, will make war with the saints, who are My holy chosen-remnant-bride and will even overpower them for a time, before I, the Ancient of Days, come and pass judgment in favor of the saints of the Most High God. At this time the beast’s kingdom destroyed forever. My saints, My chosen ones will take possession of My kingdom that lasts forever. They that will be given dominion will serve Me and obey Me.

My saints, My chosen ones, please keep watch, be sober and vigilant during this time that you are in! You truly have entered into the time that is like no other. The great anointing that is coming soon shall break the yoke of oppression that the enemy has had upon you! If the Son sets you free, you are free indeed! My lights shall shine brightly in the thick darkness and overcome it, you are My lights!


Yeshua Ha Mashiach

Jesus The Christ

Psalm 91:1-2 (ESV)

1 He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High
will abide in the shadow of the Almighty.
2 I will say to the Lord, “My refuge and my fortress,
my God, in whom I trust.”

Ephesians 2:6 (ESV)
and raised us up with him and seated us with him in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus

Rev 3:10 (Weust) Because you safeguarded the Word by observing it, which to observe requires the endurance which is mine, as for myself, I also will safeguard you from the hour of the trial which is destined to be coming upon the entire inhabited earth to put to the test those who dwell upon the earth.

Rev 3:10 Interlinear

For study, read Daniel 7 and compare to Revelation 13

Original article can be found here


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