The Battle is Begun
September 10, 2020 5:31 PM
On 9.1.20 I was watching one of Pastor Dana Coverstone’s videos on the church needing to pray, and was suddenly moved in the spirit to tears. Then I received this message.
Pray, pray unceasingly. Today is the day, today is the hour of your redemption. Trials and tribulation await and are at the door. Be ready for what comes. I stand at the door and knock. Come follow Me to the ends of the earth. Rise up oh servants of the Most High – faithful warriors as you march into battle, the battle of your lives. Many will be wounded, many will be sacrificed at the altar as martyrs and many will triumph and persevere to the end. Good and faithful servants of the Lord – rise up! This is your hour, this is your calling.
I the Lord am calling forth My own. The battle is begun. Fight the good fight of faith. Do not be overcome by the world and the ways of man. Evil is about surely. Did I not say I would be with you until the end of time? My word will not return void. I love you My children. Seek My face, seek Me in My word. Come meet Me in the secret place where you will find Me. I will guide you, I will lead you through the torrential storms, the hills and valleys – I will make the plains low. I will drive out the enemy who seeks to destroy you.
Because of Me the enemy is raging like a lion. Because of Me the enemy seeks to destroy My own. Rise up church! This is not the time to be silent. Rise up dry bones! The world is headed for destruction. Chaos awaits at the door. Be strong, be mighty in My word. Use the tools I have given you. Abide in Me as I abide in you. Speak the uncompromising Gospel of Jesus Christ. The world must know the truth – they are in such darkness.
You will overcome as I have overcome. Persevere to the end mighty warriors of the Most High. Engage in battle – not on your own understanding, but with the power and might of My word. Just as I fought the evil one when I was tempted – so too shall you fight him in like manner. Do as I did when I walked the earth. Follow My ways. I commanded the seas to be still. I have the power and authority in My hand. I release this power and authority to those who would come and follow Me. I will return soon to avenge the blood of the saints upon the earth.
I am coming soon. I am the lion of Judah. I Am He Who Was And Is To Come. A spirit of excellence is coming upon My chosen ones. You will go through trials, you will be persecuted, but I will be with you always until the end.
Your Savior and King
Yeshua HaMashiach
The hour of your redemption is here oh mighty saints of God
The battle is begun
Amen Amen
I was later led to this song which shows the Lord is the one who fights our battles when we call upon Him.
The Battle Belongs to the Lord Song by John Michael Talbot In heavenly armour we'll enter the land The battle belongs to the Lord No weapon that's fashioned against us shall stand The battle belongs to the Lord We sing glory and honor Power and strength to the Lord The power of darkness comes in like a flood The battle belongs to the Lord He's raised up a standard, the power of His blood The battle belongs to the Lord We sing glory and honor Power in strength to the lord When your enemy presses in hard do not fear The battle belongs to the Lord Take courage my friend, your redemption is near The battle belongs to the Lord The battle belongs to the lord Battle belongs to the lord...
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