
The Age of Grace Is Closed – Whitney Eslick Manuel

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The Age of Grace Is Closed

12/29/24 3:17 AM
Whitney Eslick Manuel

12-27-2024 10:12pm

Write for Me, Beloved…It is before you. The ending of it all. The beginning of all that must end. As it has been said, ‘The ending of of the beginning’ and ‘The beginning of the end’. Hear My words now, O people of the earth. Your SOVEREIGN speaks. No more time remains now. The Age of Grace closes and is closed. All things prophesied are here; are now. Even the removal of My precious Bride is at your doorstep. I warned. I pleaded. I sent My Word. I sent messenger after messenger, message after message; yes, even prophet after prophet. But the great majority of the world, even of My own people, would have nothing to do with any of it, with any of them. You preferred self-appointed prophets who were not sent by Me, nor did they carry My true messages. These were the tickling ones I warned you about beforehand in My Holy Word of Truth. Did you not believe Me? Did you not recognize what I told you to look out for? The fruits. Why did you not observe them? Now I have cast the rotten and corrupt fruits at your feet, where you cannot help but observe and recognize them. I unskirt the false before your face. But who has stopped to think about these things? Who has paused to consider them and so consider their own faults in following and listening to those not sent by Me? This was, again, to help bring you to repentance, to a point of stopping and thinking and considering. Of asking yourself why you did not discern, why you followed the false. It is because, in most of your cases, you yourselves are not truly in Me! But none, almost none, has stopped and considered and realized and repented. So I repent of you. I leave you. But unlike in the days of old when I repented of making wicked man, and wiped the whole earth clean, save 8 souls, I will give you one last chance. One last terrible chance. Terrible, because it will come at so high a price. But a chance to turn to Me in full surrender finally and be faithful unto death when you had not been found faithful in life, for those who choose well, will be glorious as well as terrible. Terrible for a moment, for a brief period of time, but glorious forever, for eternity, eternity with Me your GOD, your SAVIOR, REDEEMER, and FRIEND. Oh, My people, do not squander this last chance, this last choice, as you squandered much, if not most of your life thus far. Choose for Me and you will not regret it. My hand is extended now. My hand is extended even when My faithful chosen ones have left and you are left to endure. Take not the mark of My enemy and yours. Believe no more lies. Fall for no more deception or clever tricks. Choose Me. Choose Me and I will choose you~

Photos courtesy Depositphotos


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