Prophecy, Three Days of Darkness, Word

The 3 Days of Darkness – Liz Lau

Photos courtesy Depositphotos

The 3 Days of Darkness

March 23, 2024 8:08 PM
Liz Lau

I received this word during prayer time a few weeks ago.


The 3 days, the 3 days,
The 3 days of darkness.
Weary, lost souls cower in fear.
No pain, no gain.
In desperation seek Me, the Creator of all.
Sadness, sorrow, then joy.
Everlasting, forever joy.
Amen and Amen.

Jesus, Saviour of all,
the one and only saviour there is.
Holy, Holy, Holy!
Amen and Amen.

Photos courtesy Depositphotos


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