Dream, Famine, Vision

The 2024 Solar Eclipse started the Seven Years of Lack: dream vision – Elizabeth Marie

Photos courtesy Pixabay

The 2024 Solar Eclipse started the Seven Years of Lack: dream vision

10/4/24 1:02 PM
Elizabeth Marie
Oct 04, 2024

Back in May of 2022, I wrote an ARTICLE about how the two INTERSECTING TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSES were a SIGN OF FAMINE that is coming…..just like in the days of Joseph, and the famine on the land of Egypt.

In the Book of Genesis, it was Joseph that interpreted Pharaoh’s two dreams: in the first dream, there were SEVEN FAT COWS, and SEVEN SKINNY COWS…..and then the skinny cows devoured the fat cows. In the second dream, Pharaoh saw SEVEN healthy, plumb heads of grain, and, then SEVEN very thin, ‘wind torn’ heads of grain….again, the thin heads of grain then devoured the SEVEN healthy ones.

In both of these dreams, Joseph interpreted these dreams that in the first SEVEN years, there would be a time of PLENTY, and the second SEVEN years would bring FAMINE/FOOD SHORTAGES.  So Joseph was given the commission, by Pharaoh, to save up food during the first SEVEN years, so that the people would have enough for upcoming FAMINE.

Fast forward to today, and we have witinessed the TWO GREAT AMERICAN ECLIPSES that were SEVEN years apart. I believe that these were WARNINGS for AMERICA, to PREPARE, both SPIRITUALLY, and PHYSICALLY for what was coming!

The APRIL 2024 Eclipse was a SIGN that pointed to disasters coming in the next SEVEN year period.  It would bring a time of LACK….which we are already beginning to witness—- as we see GROCERY PRICES SURGE, and many struggling just to put ‘food on the table!’  We are now also seeing the terrible devastation in western North Carolina, where towns have been demolished, with many deaths, and destruction.

Many sounded the alarm, that the first ECLIPSE in 2017, was a WARNING SIGN for people to PREPARE for what was coming. Back in 2018, the LORD, called many to start SAFE HAVENS. A few did, but many, did not believe the warnings.


On 9/29/24, I, had another dream vision of the upcoming FOOD SHORTAGES.  This is the first one that I have had in awhile…..however, the LORD has given me many, many warnings about the LACK that is coming. Here are a few:



In this most recent vision, I saw an aisle of a very popular grocery store.  It was the frozen food aisle, that has frozen food refrigerators in bins, much like in the meat department.

What I then noticed is that there was NOTHING in the refrigerator bins…..they were completely empty.  Everything looked like it had been cleaned up, and wiped down. It seemed as if it had been empty for awhile. Then I noticed that, not only was there NO FOOD….but that there were NO people anywhere!  I then knew that the store was completely vacated.

I was told many years ago, when I started getting prophetic warnings, that if HIS PEOPLE did not REPENT, then these hardships were coming. At that time, I thought they were coming over a decade ago…..however, through HIS great mercy, and patience, things keep being DELAYED.

What we HAVE been going through are the BIRTH PANGS mentioned, by JESUS, in Matthew 24. Just like when a woman’s labor intensifies, so will the END TIME woes. We are witnessing the pre-cursors to the BIG EVENTS of WARS, FAMINES, and EARTH DISTURBANCES.

“Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places. All these are the beginning of birth pains. Matthew 24:7-8

WHY did the LORD start warning me so many years ago?  SO that I could share with others to get PREPARED, and to get READY for HIS COMING.  So, I have been SOUNDING THE ALARM, and will continue to do so, until I stop hearing the warnings.

The LORD has shown me that many have heeded the CALL of the WATCHMEN, and WOMEN….and have gotten themselves ready, as best as possible, for what is coming soon.  However, there are many more that just listen, and then do not do anything or prepare.  Soon, it will be too late to get the necessities….so do not wait any longer!


On 10/3/24, I received a long message from the LORD, while praying.  Here is an excerpt from that message:

“Did I not say in MY WORD that in the LAST DAYS, there would be WARS and RUMORS of WARS?  These will only increase, as it leads up to the final battle where I become the FINAL VICTOR!

Did I not WARN that FAMINE would come, and that there would be a lack in the economy?

These are the SEALS that are opening.  They will bring much death and destruction in many places.  However, there will also be SAFE PLACES that are GOSHEN type areas.  The GOSHEN OF OLD, was a place that MY people were fed, and taken care of.  So shall it be again….for I take care of those who are MY OWN….MY REMNANT ONES!”

“The land of Egypt is before you. Have your father and brothers dwell in the best of the land; let them dwell in the land of Goshen. And if you know any competent men among them, then make them chief herdsmen over my livestock.”
So Israel dwelt in the land of Egypt, in the country of Goshen; and they had possessions there and grew and multiplied exceedingly.”
Genesis 47:6;27



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