
The 15 Minute City Dream – Solitary Man

Photos courtesy Depositphotos

The 15 Minute City Dream

1/25/25 12:39 PM
Solitary Man


Last night I had a dream.  It revolved around the last 2 places I lived in the last city that I resided in.  I found myself in the back alleys that were furthest away from each other, yet directly in line between the 2 houses.  I was trying to place some sort of stake in the ground, that were lined up to be in a straight line that would intersect both these homes.

When I went into the back alley of the previous house that I had lived in (or the second last residence that I had lived in when I did reside in the city), I had to sneak into the back alley, as the current occupants of that home were people that I instinctively felt a little bit afraid of.  I managed to get into the back alley with a truck, but I do not think I was successful in getting the stake into the ground, though I do not know this for certain.

In addition, I found myself spreading straw over the front lawn (or thereabouts) of this older residence, as well as over the front lawn of the neighbor across the street.

I wanted to go and get my truck, but I found that the old alleyways to access the back alley behind this house did not exist anymore.  In fact, there was only one entrance left, and it was in the process of having a cement gate being built to restrict access.  My wife and I were able to slip through, but we saw that the entire back alley had a cement wall being built.  We knew in our hearts that this was one of the last times people would be able to move freely outside this area.  We kept walking toward where we left our truck, but I woke up before knowing if I got to the truck, or finding out if I had indeed pounded that post into the ground.

The most obvious interpretation is that my old city of residence is slated to become one of the first 15 minute cities.  And indeed there are certain signs that this may be the case.  The kinds of city councillors, the ‘selected’ mayor, and the policies of the last several years generally align with the goals of the globalists.

The cement walls made a strong impression upon me.  They looked permanent and very secure.  The fact that all access points to the alley were not only closed off, but had disappeared entirely, represents the fact that there is no going back.  The fact that there was only one access point left, with a strong cement gate, expresses that the authorities will be in charge of all movement of its citizens.

The fact that I had no idea that this was happening when I was at the location of the other residence indicates that people have no idea that this is occurring all around them until it suddenly appears, and by then it’s too late.  One area of the city was being sealed off, and an area not very far from there had no awareness that this was occurring.

Driving posts into the ground was being done in back alleys in both locations.  The sense that I had was that I was doing these things in secret, away from all prying eyes.  I am not sure why I was driving posts into the ground, but the major point is that it was supposed to represent a direct line that ran through both residences.  I believe that this may be some sort of underground communications.

Remember that the Lord had warned me a few years ago to leave this city.  In the dream I was not living in the city anymore.  Yet I had come back to try and create this direct line between my last 2 residences.  This may represent those who are listening to the voice of the Lord being called and asked to go and help those who did not hear and/or obey, and have become trapped in these open air prisons.

The fact that I was still able to access the back alley one more time may represent the favor of the Lord in opening doors that cannot be opened in the natural.  The fact that I was not shown whether or not I was successful in driving in that second post, nor if I was successful in retrieving my truck, indicates that we must walk by faith, and not by sight, and leave all results to Him.  We must even be willing to obey if the success of our mission is not guaranteed.  We must be willing to lose our possessions in order to stay in obedience to him.

The fact that I was very uneasy, and even afraid, of the current occupants of my old home that was now in the neighborhood which was being walled off represents the many enemies we will encounter who have sold themselves to the new world order.  I felt that if they saw me, they would report me.  We will have to be very discerning in these last day assignments that the Lord sends us out on.

The straw that I was throwing on the ground in front of this older residence, and even across the street, on the lawn of a neighbor who was known for his nosiness, may represent the prayer covering we all need to be under before we go out on these missions.  I sense that this was meant to be some sort of covering.  Symbolically, it was supposed to cover our actions, and even be a distraction as these untrustworthy and/or nosy neighbors would have spent time trying to figure out where all this straw came from, while we made our escape.

While many of us have heeded the call to prepare or even move out of places that are marked for destruction, let as also prepare ourselves for new assignments, as God may ask us to infiltrate enemy territory, in order to provide hope and rescue to all those poor souls being trapped in the belly of the beast.


Solitary Man

Photos courtesy Depositphotos


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