
That Which is to Come – Jaco Prinsloo

Photos courtesy Depositphotos

That Which is to Come

January 12, 2022 3:54 AM
Jaco Prinsloo

Received December 9th

I am preparing my people for that which is to come… For that which is to come will require patient endurance. And joy will sustain you, even when your eyes cannot see me and when your spirit cannot sense that I am among you. Have I not said, to you my people, that I will be with you, even unto the end of the age? This time is to teach you rest – My rest – in the midst of storms and adversity. This preparation will be a quick work of My Spirit in you and among you. I have great and mighty victories for you to possess. Many will hear of you and will see and turn to Me. Many who are religious will be offended by Me and will turn away from the Truth. But you shall shine brightly like the sun. Continue close to Me. In My heart is where you belong and I have reserved this place for you.

Photos courtesy Depositphotos


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