Tell them I AM Your Shock Absorber!” and 3 Highlighted Dates
April 15, 2022 10:00 PM
Michelle Katherine Orts
Dear Saints everywhere around the world,
Jesus is stretching me asking me to trust Him more. Jesus has been fine tuning my hearing and giving me Holy Boldness beyond my comfort zone. But, I am not to care what man thinks of me only Jesus’ thoughts of me are important! Let the world scoff as they do scoff. It is not me they judge in the end, it is The Lord Himself! I am dust. Jesus is The Potter! I am Jesus’ Daughter and the Words I share are not my own but are Jesus’ Own Words to warn and to prepare His Family on earth for The Trouble ahead. It will get quite bumpy! Holy Spirit tells me to tell His Children, “Tell them I AM Your Shock Absorber!” I pray for souls to be saved in Jesus’ Mighty Name.
Previous Words of Knowledge received from Jesus by me for the last few days including tonight Fasting, Good Friday April 15th, 2022. Nissan 14th/Nissan15th at Sunset.
I received two dates of importance and now tonight, a third date.
I asked the Lord Jesus to tell me whatever He would like to tell me to share with The Remnant and the world.
Three nights ago Jesus showed me the date 7.26 in both this year July 26th, 2022 and the entire year of 2026 was highlighted to me to be of great significance to The Lord as Jesus said that “The Anti-Christ will begin to attack (us) The Saints of Jesus Christ, The Endtime Remnant, The Warrior Bride of Christ.”
July 26th, 2022 it would begin and the entire year 2026 was emphasized by Jesus to me to be of great hardship as Jesus tells me, “The Anti-Christ has malevolent plans. But be of good cheer for I have overcome the Enemy and I will give you My Holy Authority and Power to do great exploits and you will tread on scorpions and serpents and nothing shall by any means harm you! Until I call you Home to me, you are MINE! GREAT shall be your reward in Heaven. Preach! Teach! Evangelize! Heal the sick! Raise the dead! Call down fire upon the demonic hordes will which attempt to steal your children away! Say. NO MORE! I have spoken. Selah!”-King Jesus Your Lord God and King. Logos made flesh.
I asked Jesus what will happen on July 26th, 2022 and Jesus said, “The Anti-Christ and the Beast System will incrementally begin to wage war with my children. It will begin in intensity on July 26th, 2022. The year 2026 will be intolerable for many Saints around the world but I shall direct My Children, leading them to safety and receiving many of mine Home to Me. Do not fear the wicked ones little children. You are mine and I will repay! I will avenge you and vindicate My Own on Judgement Day. I will protect and comfort and provide for those whoI have Called to be Faithful, to be Strong and Courageous “for such a time as this.”-Yeshua Your MESSIAH!
Last night April 14th, 2022 early AM around 1:00AM Central Time in USA,
Jesus Highlighted this date to me 8.20 and said,
820 is this Summer, August 20th, 2022 and then Jesus told me, “An alien invasion will begin at the hands of The Anti-Christ Barack Obama this summer on August, 20th, 2022. Be prepared so your hearts do not fail you. Trust in Me alone.”
and just tonight Jesus spoke this to me…this
Prophetic Word of Knowledge Received directly from Jesus at 8:30PM Central Time in USA on April 15th, 2022 (Nissan 15th 5782)
Jesus just told me that, “There will be an earthquake!” (I believe I heard Jesus say to me that it would be a global earthquake)”It will occur tomorrow night on April 16th, 2022 around, before AND after sunset, Jerusalem time on 16th of Nissan going into 17th of Nissan.” Nissan 17th is the same Hebrew Biblical date that Jesus rose from the dead at the moment at which the Sabbath, The Shabbat (The 7th Day) ends and begins the start of the first Day of The Week which is to us known as Sunday Nissan 18th or The First Day.
I asked to receive Confirmation by Jesus
Jesus showed me and highlighted this piece of information occurring in the world as confirmation. I have learned that Jesus can confirm things to me and anyone else however He wills!
Garth Brooks concert added second concert performance (Hebrew Calendar: Nissan 16, 5782) for April 16th 2022 in Nashville, TN 7:00PM at NISSAN Stadium!
and Key Confirmation Scripture;
Matthew 28:2
Authorized (King James) Version
2 And, behold, there was a great earthquake: for the angel of the Lord descended from heaven, and came and rolled back the stone from the door, and sat upon it.
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