America, Babylon, Prophecy

Take Up a Lamentation for Secret Babylon! – William Brooks

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Take Up a Lamentation for Secret Babylon!

8/3/24 2:37 PM
William Brooks

August 03, 2024

Hear my words and hear the voice of one crying in the wilderness! I am calling, I am calling, will you hear me? Hold your sin filled tongues in silence and bow the knee in repentance and hear my eternal voice while you still can, for my love for you is great, and I am he who sheds many tears in utter heartbreak for what will come of those who ignore my voice. For even in this last moment all who respond are invited into eternity. So confess me as your Lord, for I am Jesus the Nazarene, and I am he whom the eternal God has sent to rescue you before calamity and judgment strikes. Why do you count yourselves unworthy of eternal life? Will you choose the flames of destruction over peaceful fields of plenteousness where you will find eternal pasture?

For even as the malefactor who was crucified alongside me on Calvary will be with me in paradise, so too will I save you to the uttermost if you will make me your Lord now! THERE IS NO TIME TO WASTE. For I died outside the gates of Jerusalem with the sinners as I took your place in judgment, and you will be saved should you turn to me in repentance right now. I say to you truly, truly: These words did not find your ears by accident, and soon there will be great destruction and many will not survive and forever will their rejection echo into the eternal fires reserved for all who choose to cling to their sins and remain in league with the fallen ones.

To join Satan’s rebellion, even in blind ignorance, is to willingly partake of their sins, and so all who do will forever bear their judgment. Will you accept my offer, knowing God raised me from the dead to die no more and knowing that I am that great Lord of Lords and King of Kings? Repent while you still can, for Yahweh is ready to close the door of the ark, and there is no time and at any second I will snatch the faithful away into the heavens, even all who are saved from wrath in my ever saving and everlasting sacrifice. So declare me, Jesus the Nazarene as your Lord and know that I am alive forevermore for God has raised me from the dead to die no more.

My children, hearken and continue to bow the knee in continued repentance and hear the voice of your Lord Jesus Christ, even he whom Yahweh has sent as the lamb of God. Hear my Words, my Church even my Bride, For as your eternal High Priest of the order of Melchizedek I have offered myself as your perfect Passover, and even given my sinless blood to the last drop for your full and utter redemption from your current fallen state and your full redemption is here, so rejoice! And as many who have received me and confessed my eternal name as their Lord will have eternal life. For I am Jesus the Nazarene your eternal Lord, and I have made all who confessed my name in these times of grace and mercy the eternal sons of God. Behold, what love the Father has given to you, that you should be called the sons of God: for this cause the world knows you not, because it knows not me, Christ Jesus the Lord of Lords and King of Kings. Dearly beloved, now are you the sons of God, but yet it is not made manifest what you shall be: and you know that when I shall be made manifest, you shall be like me: for you shall see me as I am.

My little children, understand that I will be made manifest any moment now as my appearing in the clouds is here. For I, Christ Jesus, will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the Archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first. Then you which are alive, and remain, shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet your eternal Lord in the air: and so shall you ever be with your Lord. Will you allow these words to comfort you, my children? Have you allowed Satan to cause you to deny these plain words recorded for all to see? Will you choose to remain amongst the judged in stubborn rebellion? To deny this event plainly recorded in scripture by the hand of my Apostle Paul is to deny me for I am coming to save the faithful from wrath for so are the promises of Yahweh revealed in the great mystery of God recorded by Paul these many jubilees ago.

I counsel you: deny me not, and get on the ark before it is too late. For all who choose to abide in the coming judgments will come to me by calling on my name to the end, and many will suffer to their last breath. But yet they will rise into eternal life and great reward and everlasting joy! And so all who are called to eternity will come to their everlasting inheritance, for none can pluck even the least of you from my eternal hands. So hear my words and remain in the single-mindedness that is in me, Christ Jesus, because I am the Word of God made flesh and I always speak truth. Quit listening to the many faithless voices who deny my Words or you will find yourselves left among them when such a thing is not necessary.

For you my saved ones, even you are now the Children of the Living God, even Yahweh’s own by way of and in the miracle of the new birth have you been eternally saved and you are born again of incorruptible seed. Yet, you are strangers and sojourners in foreign lands, and many of you are within the borders of that great harlot, even the lands that are in chains waiting for it’s full judgment and destruction: For a double portion of judgment has been declared on Secret Babylon and so shall it be. For at which time has Yahweh not delivered the righteous from Judgment, for no being can rightfully attribute folly to Yahweh, and the witness of Lot testifies to this very day. Even out of the detestable lands of Sodom and Gomorrah did Yahweh send his Angels to rescue this one righteous man who sat in the gates of the enemy’s city.

And so too will I deliver my faithful Church, even all those I have sealed with that holy spirit of promise since the day of Pentecost at the birth of my Church recorded in the testimony of Acts! (Have you not read?) And all who have died faithful in Christ since the beginning of my Church age and all who are alive and remain will be gathered together in the twinkling of an eye and forevermore will they be with me! For I am he who is coming for my faithful, called, and chosen, even my Body and my Church and even my Bride. I will redeem the faithful, even those who have walked according to my spirit and all who have repented of their sins and have made me Lord from a faith filled heart for they are the Israel of God! And great will this coming event be and great will be the shaking and with many signs my approaching has been announced and is still heralded forth across the heavens with signs above and signs in the earth below. And so shall the gathering of the first-fruits be for all to see and behold in astonishment!

And so my voice still echoes through this fallen world, finding the eyes, ears, and hearts of all those to whom they are sent. Do you hear the voice of Yeshua HaMashiach, do you recognize my voice? Will you receive my words? Can you hear me as I speak to your heart? For as it is written: this people’s hearts have become fat from over consumption, and their ears are dull of hearing, and their eyes they have closed, lest at any time they should see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and should understand with their heart, and should be converted, and I should heal them. Many of these have been lulled to sleep by the detestable yet soothing words of another Jesus, but rest assured there is no other.

For in whatever language my name is called, I Jesus the Nazarene, even Yeshua HaMashiach, will hear and will save to the uttermost all who call on my name to the end. For my words of wisdom, even the everlasting gospel have been revealed and echo their way across the earth. And my words do find those to whom they are sent, for so are the Words of the Most High God, even Yahweh, for not one Word of God returns void, and they will accomplish that which they are intended and blessed are your eyes, for they see: and your ears, for they hear and your hearts are full of faith, and I have saturated the love of God into your very hearts whereby you cry Abba Father! You are the sons of God and it does not appear what you will be, but when I appear you will see fully and your lives are hidden in me, Christ Jesus, and your lives are about to be fully revealed and now is the time of revealing.

Behold! Secret Babylon sits in chains as the ten horns finalize their preparations for her utter destruction. Truly, truly, to Secret Babylon and for many jubilees now have I sent my apostles, have I sent my prophets, have I sent my evangelists, have I sent my pastors, have I sent my teachers, have I sent my faithful disciples and brethren and I have even sent the widows in their solitude, and I have utterly poured out my spirit to the uttermost in these last days of grace and mercy!

But instead of the nations sitting in sack cloth and ashes they are entertained by the signs and warnings given of impending judgment as they take pictures and videos for their entertainment. They have rejected my messengers who brought the light of my gospel of salvation, they have mocked and ridiculed my prophets, they have attacked my evangelists, they have corrupted my pastors, and persecuted and compromised my teachers.

The armies of the great red dragon do surround you secret Babylon and are fully within your borders. For even your traitorous Zionist leaders have sold you for a morsel of bread to your enemies and also to advance their satanic schemes. And El Shaddai has allowed these madmen to continue, even putting it into their hearts to fulfill his purposes. Strong is El Shaddai who judges you, oh scarlet whore who sits arrogantly in pleasure even as you are stripped of all glory, stripped of all delicacies, stripped even of your homes for I have given your homes and lands into the hands of your enemies. Even into the hands of the beast and the false prophet, for they work hand in hand for your utter destruction behind the facade of an old stooge. For the beast is about to cast down the great harlot of which the beast has grown tired of carrying, and her purposes have been served. Therefore, she will be utterly burned, and utterly destroyed in one hour and her destruction lingers not.

For their lines of war, even their red lines given disingenuously to not cross, have been laid down and crossed repeatedly and purposefully. Do not believe their lies, nor their false justifications for they seek to appear righteous in the coming war for the beast and false prophet who have not yet fully risen will rise fully and claim that God’s judgment fell to serve their purposes, so believe not even one of the least of their lies and their final judgment linger not.

For they will continue and even commit worse sins than Secret Babylon, and they are culpable in leading Secret Babylon fully astray and to her utter destruction, for God has put it in their hearts to accomplish his will. They work in collusion and all those who appear as enemies work together in secret as they play along according to their script and act their parts on the world stage, and they will assassinate all those in their orders who choose not to rehearse and perform their parts adequately to fulfill the purposes of the dragon. For the dragon gives the beasts his power and his throne, and great authority, And the ten horns receive power as kings one hour with the beast and these have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the beast for so is given them by Yahweh for them to accomplish. Pay attention my children and learn of me and follow my ways, for my ways are the ways of Yahweh, the great eternal God!

Understand and pay attention, for these treasonous beasts and evil kings are of the orders of the Dragon and have ruled Secret Babylon from their secret societies since her beginning. The man who dissembles and pretends, even the wicked man, walks with a perverse mouth. Yes they pretend to be others for they are all pretenders, and hidden amongst all nations the tares have been sown. They make signs with their eyes: they signify with their feet: they instruct with their fingers. Lewd things are in their hearts: they imagine evil at all times, and raise up contentions. Therefore, shall their destruction come speedily: they shall be destroyed suddenly without recovery. These six things does the Lord hate: yea, his soul abhors seven: The haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and the hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that imagines wicked enterprises, feet that be swift in running to mischief, A false witness that speaks lies, and him that raises up contentions amongst brethren.

Are you blind? Do you refuse to recognize their symbols so you can continue to sit in willful ignorance that your leaders are of the fallen ones? Do you not understand that your entertainers are of the fallen ones? Do you not realize that they are not of the same nature as you, for many have forever altered themselves in their insanity and some are tares from birth and the Devil is their Father? Yet you choose to willingly sit in darkness, and revel and bask in your sins as you roll in the mire with the pigs who have led you to the very gates of hell where many ignorantly parade themselves in vanity and pride. Wherefore I have stated in my letter to Ephesus given to Paul: Awake you who sleeps, and stand up from death, and I, Christ Jesus, shall give you light! Take heed therefore that ye walk circumspectly: not as fools, but as wise. And so I expose these evil leaders of Secret Babylon to my called chosen and faithful that you do not fall victim to their deception and that you may fully come out of her and be separate in all of your ways and that you share not in her plagues.

Hear my words and understand what is happening right now, for their surprise attack is underway. I speak now to Secret Babylon though she is deaf, dumb, and blind and utterly bound in chains for her judgment. As they have prepared their surprise attack for many years now, and they have secured Secret Babylons destruction through usury, and other deceptive means, because even her monetary notes are nothing but an empty promise of debts incurred at the hands of your leaders who serve the money changers and secret Babylon is sold into the hands of their enemies by these crafty means. Do you not understand fractional reserve banking and fiat currency? Study to learn.

Did I not give you an example when I chased the money changers out of the temple? Yet, instead of throwing them out, you invite them in to have supper with your families, and you have pledged your children and your grandchildren as collateral to fulfill your greedy lusts and so your posterity has been merchandised to secure your destruction so you could live the pleasures of sin. You, Secret Babylon, do murder your unborn in great happiness and pride and murderers of the innocents have their appointed judgment and your judgment lingers not. Though a few remaining stragglers are running up the ramp into the Ark before El Shaddai closes the door, most will find themselves left to judgment because they will choose instead to remain outside mocking and living deliciously.

Suddenly, in one hour will her destruction fall suddenly and they will not escape. Since she has given herself in service to her eternal enemies they will now bring about her eternal destruction for never again will Secret Babylon rise. Oh Secret Babylon, since you have sold your children as surety in pledge for your debts so you could continue in the pleasures of sin (for even your money is usury), since you have murdered the innocents, and much more have you done. I will now give you fully into their hands and Yahweh has even declared a double portion of judgment on you secret Babylon. And many of your children will be sent to their work and reeducation camps and many will be taken to foreign lands for the dragon is allowed claim on the lands and the people who have rejected me, Yeshua HaMashiach, in favor of Barabbas their false Messiah. And many will take their beastly mark and have sold their souls and their posterity to eternal punishment from the presence of the everlasting and eternal God for the pleasures of sin for a short season.

Take up a lamentation for the people of Secret Babylon, even you who sit in darkness and utter ignorance of your own coming destruction. In front of your very own eyes and by consent of your vote and by means of your slothful apathy, your entire nation has been dismantled in front of your very eyes. You no longer have the ability or resources to fight a war, for I, even Christ Jesus, have stripped your military might and given it into the hands of your enemies. Your once great cities now sit in ruins of crime and poverty, of which your entertainers and you both boast in great pride. The Edomites have long since removed their factories from your lands, and you lack the manufacturing power you once had and even the raw materials to produce what you need to fight your never-ending wars.

For you go from war to war, and you have utterly decimated the lands, both foreign and domestic. For from you, Secret Babylon, has gone forth the scourge of the Red Armies, even spreading world wide the red leaven of the great red Dragon, for you have served the fallen ones secretly since the beginning and continue to this day. Secret Babylon, you willingly give your consent to your Satanic rulers, who know full well their plans and know full well they are in the process of fully destroying your once great nation and you. For you are guilty of the blood of the saints, and the blood of the martyrs cries from the earth for your judgment and if Yahweh were not to judge you he would have to repent to the nations he has taken in judgment in times past, even those who serve as a warning of your own impending judgment that you blatantly ignore.

From you, Secret Babylon, came the destruction brought on foreign lands by the Red Armies as the Edomites ingratiated themselves to the working class with their poisonous leaven, even their blasphemous manifesto financed by the Red Shield. For the robber barons of times past, even your captains of industry of previous generations, (even those to whom you have sold your posterity) are the ones responsible for the scourge of the red armies. Secret Babylon with her web of debt has financed and sponsored the Red Armies in their endeavors from the beginning, and Secret Babylon has been part of their network from the beginning as the Red Shield established itself worldwide. Even the fiery dragon’s breath that has come from the Red Shield, for they are the fallen ones who walk among you.

From secret Babylon were their “revolutionary” leaders trained in secret for she sits on many waters, and they were sent secretly into foreign lands, even into Gog and Magog and their revolutions were great, and violent, and cruel and they now cover the earth. They spread their satanic leaven across the lands of the east and utterly consumed all in their paths. They went forth from Secret Babylon and have been a scourge on the earth, and all the while secret Babylon has lied and the great whore has claimed to speak for me and called herself Christian. This violent overthrow of the old order has gone across the earth and now moves to its final stage, and they will be permitted their system, but only to serve the eternal purposes of Yahweh, for in truth the fallen ones do tremble and fear grips their vile hearts for they know their long coming judgment is upon them. For you Secret Babylon in your fornication and whoredoms, you sleep with the enemy.

Behold! The great whore, even Secret Babylon a nation of many states, is that woman showed to John the Revelator, even that woman drunken with the blood of the Saints, and with the blood of my Martyrs and your judgment is upon you. For in such manner, you have lived deliciously while your leaders destroyed other nations with your consent and with your money you are as guilty as these Edomite tares you have sold your posterity for the pleasures of sin. You financed and supported and secretly coordinated the overthrow of many nations! And all nations who have been overthrown by the red armies with the backing of the Red Shield been culled and persecuted and tortured and starved and murdered in the most grievous manner. The saints who were in these lands you have martyred even untold millions.

And all the while you danced and used Satans sorceries in celebration thinking it will never come to you, even the drugs given you for your deaths. Secret Babylon, you have sacrificed an entire generation of children who are now military aged men who could have defended you but instead now live on the streets of your disgusting cities and are hopelessly addicted to these sorceries and they have become zombies of the walking dead as these drugs rot their flesh even while they are still alive.

Now comes your judgment in full Secret Babylon and you are a spectacle for all to see, yet you continue in ignorance and blindness saying in your hearts that calamity will never come on you, even though you have cheered as your leaders brought calamity to the shores of countless nations in their unjust wars of which you were entertained as you watched on television.

And so you have been divided amongst your enemies and they already enjoy the spoils of war even before the missiles have fallen. For Secret Babylons defeat is guaranteed and given by Yahweh himself and nothing will stop her utter ruin and never again will she rise.

I am calling, I am calling, will you hear me?
I am he who sheds many tears in utter heartbreak for what will come of those who ignore my voice
I am Jesus the Nazarene
I am he whom the eternal God has sent to rescue you before calamity and judgment strikes
I am that great Lord of Lords and King of Kings!
I am coming to save the faithful from wrath for so are the promises of Yahweh in my peace treaty
I am he who is coming for my faithful, called, and chosen, even my Body and my Church and even my Bride

I, Yeshua HaMashiach have sent these words by me servant and by my servant have these words been sent.

Hear my voice my children and heed my call and learn of me and accept my wisdom. Do not despair for the birth pangs are non-stop now, but this judgment is not for you. I am nearer than your next breath and my appearing is here. Suddenly will you find yourselves in Yahweh’s throne room where you will be fully recreated in your Lord, Christ Jesus, and you will forever be like me and will forever be with me and I love you greatly my called, chosen, and faithful. Prepare yourselves to come to your full inheritance that is in my hand, only faint not and watch always and then suddenly I AM!


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