A Time Of Great Deception
1/19/25 3:17 PM
Asha B
Message received 01 January 2025
Now begins the shaking, the wheat from the tares. Now shall all who cannot abide in me be shaken away. There is a time of great distress for the world. You are entering now a very different time on the earth. Unless you know the pits, you shall not know where are the falls. You have seen and known all the pitfalls. You shall now navigate them, to save my children from the many falls ahead.
A time of great deception is on the earth and only those who are ready to walk with me shall see what is about to take place. Continue in my word and I shall show you all things. Watch now, for I shall cover my holy ones with a great love.
You are still in the world and you are still a target for the enemy, even the evil one. But I have shown you all the arrows and the workings of the evil one. Gird your loins now and be ready against the day. You must have my word for every attack of the evil one, to combat all that lies ahead. You shall watch and cover many of my children. Your words shall be a rock that breaks the workings of the evil one.
I am ready to receive my children. You are in the final stages. Fear not. All in my kingdom have passed through the fire, to be cleansed and made as silver and gold. Now you shall be perfected in the spirit of my holiness on my return.
You must stand strong, for there are many who shall now deceive my children to cause the falling away.
A great deception is now coming upon the world. Be in my word continuously, so that I can direct you at every turn. Your ways are not my ways. You shall see my glory very, very soon. I shall protect you from all attacks of the evil doers, even the evil ones. A great deception has now been unleashed upon this earth. Continue I say to walk with me and you shall walk in my peace.
Your loving Father.
Matthew 24
2 Thessalonians 2
Zechariah 13:9
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