Supermarket Rush
June 15, 2024 8:37 PM
Liz Lau
In this dream I was at a supermarket that had a big hot food stall section. There were many stalls, but I soon realized the food was going very fast, so I decided to just get the plain baked potatoes at the stall closest to me. But even that was gone by the time I stepped in front of it, and it only took a few seconds!
Then I quickly turned my attention to the closest supermarket racks. There were a few loaves of bread there. I quickly decided on a type with herbs and went for it, but that was also gone before I could step in front of it. I quickly went to another rack and grabbed a loaf there. It wasn’t the same type but I was happy just to get something.
Then I lined up to pay for it. As soon as I put the loaf down on the checkout belt, a toddler sitting on a parallel belt grabbed it. I quickly turned around to see if there was another loaf I could get. The toddler seemed to understand and gave me back my loaf. By the way she looked at me, I knew she felt sorry for me.
When I got to the cashier, I found that all I had was a whole bunch of coins. They looked the same but some had higher face values. I didn’t want to start sorting and counting coins there because there was a long lineup, so I gave her a $25 coin. As I was about to leave, I realized she had short-changed me by a lot. I told her but she acted as though that was no big deal. In the end she tried to ask another cashier if she had enough coins to give me. I had the understanding most people didn’t use cash.
In real life the highest coin denomination here is $2, but in the dream I had one for $100. Maybe that is an indication of the inflation to come.