
Suddenly is Your Hope Revealed! – William Brooks

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Suddenly is Your Hope Revealed!

8/9/24 10:57 AM
William Brooks

August 09, 2024

Gather yourselves and hear the voice of your Lord, even the voice of Jesus the Nazarene for I am he who offered myself once, all, and forevermore as the perfect Passover Lamb to Yahweh for your sins, even the great eternal God, as your high priest forever after the order of Melchizedek so you may have remission of sins. Come to me, and bring your ears and your hearts to listen with full faith to my words of faith! Yes I ask you to listen, and not just hear the sounds of my words but listen with your hearts that you may discern my intent and find comfort in my love for you and that you would receive with meekness the word that is grafted in you, which is able to save your souls.

For I speak to the faithful in my Church, even my body, even my bride even all those whom I am about to gather to myself in the safety of the heavens in the throne room of Yahweh. For I am he who cares for your souls and he who tends to your continued growth that you may grow as a righteous plant before me, for I am he whom Yahweh has given as gardener and caretaker of his most sacred garden of the souls of the redeemed. For you are the pearl of great price and amongst Yahweh’s many treasures you are amongst the priceless of which no stone has been left unturned in your salvation and no effort spared to prune you and succor you and to present you to Yahweh, even your almighty Father as a chaste virgin without spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing. So fear not, neither allow any doubt regarding the least of my Words!

And so I ask you, my loves, why do your hearts trouble you? Why do you wag your heads as if you carry reproach? Have you allowed the Satans to creep into your hearts and whisper false words of comfort that only issue in unbelief as they seek to tear and rend all that is holy? Will you take to yourselves that ancient serpent in his ever lying craftiness and ever advancing deceitfulness who would slither into your ears the very lying words that would overthrow your faith, as indeed has happened to so many who have allowed their minds to be corrupted from the single-minded focus on me, Christ Jesus your Lord?

For there is no other who will care for you, and all others are pretenders who do pretend and there is no other Jesus but only cheap knock off imitations and worthless counterfeits designed to deceive. So I ask you not to ignore this discernment that I would impart to you so you may continue to stand as a beacon of light even in these last moments before the world you have known ceases to exist and is altered forever more from its current ungodliness into everlasting judgment that will now fall as everlasting punishment on the ungodly who seek to lay claim to my inheritance. For the earth is mine and the fullness there of, and I am the great eternal Lord of Lords and King of Kings, even your righteous Lord and I am he who will take my inheritance from the hands of the squatters who have no claim and are no kings and are no gods and are no aliens from other worlds but fallen ones who pretend for they are all pretenders who pretend. And their days will be made an everlasting end in their everlasting inheritance in the hottest flames of blue.

For the birth pangs are non-stop now, and there are multitudes of signs above and multitude of signs in the earth that are ever apparent and unceasing. And these are given as an announcement and that you may have hope, so do not discount and rationalize them away in such manner as the scoffers! The handiwork of Yahweh given by the hands of his mighty angels, and indeed drawn by the finger of God himself at times, even at his everlasting command do announce these approaching heavenly events, for the day is here and is upon you my loves, so fear not! The times are here for the gathering of my faithful to meet me in the clouds as I descend from heaven with the voice of the archangel and the mighty trump of God, so believe my Words for they are yea and amen!

Who and whatever is there that should trouble you my children? Are you afraid that the bridegroom will not arrive and take the hand of his bride in eternal covenant as promised of old? Has the Word of God become of none effect? God Forbid! As it is written and announced so will it surely be that suddenly I will snatch you away from wrath into the safety of the heavens where I have gone to prepare a place for you, for in my Father’s house are many mansions. And so will you ever be with me and so will you be kings and priests before Yahweh the great eternal God, for so has he purposed and prepared in your lives, and who is able to stop the purposes and preperation of the everlasting God?

I tell you of a truth, there is nothing and no one who is able to hinder in the least the purposes of El Shaddai and none can stand (even in the slightest protest) without being silenced in awe at the utter power, splendor and trembling that results when Yahweh even moves the slightest to stand from his eternal throne and all heaven and earth shakes at his mighty presence. For though Yahweh has concealed himself in gentleness, love, and compassion for many days now (for one day is as a thousand years in the sight of the eternal God) now is the time that Yahweh has chosen where he will reveal himself to his creation, when they will all know that there is a God in heaven, and they will surely understand that as it is above, so shall it be below even on the earth for Yahweh is God of both heaven and earth and reigns supreme over his creation and there is none else besides him in might, splendor and power. (And the fallen ones are gripped in everlasting fear) So fear not Children of the Most High for the great eternal God, even Yahweh himself is he who fights for you and he who will rescue, redeem, and transform your very lives into eternal splendor in the twinkling of an eye.

So why do you grow impatient? Do you feel as though your eternal Lord and bridegroom has jilted you, my bride? Has your everlasting savior abandoned his body, leaving it headless? God forbid such a thing should even be considered. Of what thing has Yahweh announced to his creation as being imminent that has not happened thereafter? Did the Words of Noah fall onto dry ground as empty promises when he was a preacher of righteousness for a hundred and twenty years in the world that then was? No! But suddenly and with great violence the waters were unleashed in an instant and rose above the tallest mountains on the earth in the days that followed.

And so I counsel you to not once again join the ranks of those who willingly are ignorant. They willingly choose ignorance to ignore that by the word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of the water and in the water: Whereby the world that then was, being overflowed with water, perished: But the heavens and the earth, which are now, by the same word are kept in store, reserved for fire against the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men. And so I declare yet again that the day of fire and judgment and perdition of ungodly men is here, just as promised of old, and so shall it suddenly be.

And so I ask you yet again, my little ones, Is God a man that he should lie? Am I, Jesus Christ the righteous, unreliable so that I would forget you and yet give you false hope? Have I forgotten you and instead gone fishing? I ask you my loves did I give my last drop of blood in agony on the cross that I would abandon you when I have promised you exceeding great and precious promises, even promises given by Yahweh himself in his eternal mystery, even the great mystery of God?

God forbid such things should even be considered and so identify the evil thoughts of Satan that he throws at you, and reject and rebuke them and replace such frivolous and evil surmising with holy scripture, even the promises of Yahweh that are yea and amen. But for all times and especially such times as these it is written and so Paul wrote to the Corinthians on my behalf: But I fear lest as the serpent beguiled Eve thorough his subtlety, even so your minds should be corrupted from the singleness that is in Christ. And so I counsel you my children, even my dearly beloved and longed for to maintain your single-minded focus on me, and my words, for I am the Word of God made flesh and every Word of God will indeed come to pass, and not one of the least of my Words will fail that have been uttered and inspired by that great eternal Holy Spirit, who is Yahweh, the great eternal God!

And so I counsel you my children, even my dearly beloved and longed for, even you my joy and crown: rest in me and rest in my works and cease from your own. For it is written: There remains therefore a rest to the people of God. For he that is entered into his rest, he also hath ceased from his own works, as God did from his. Labor therefore to enter into my rest, lest any man fall after the same example of unbelief. My children labor to cease from your own works and do the works that I give you to accomplish and lean not to your own understanding but in all your ways acknowledge me, Christ Jesus your ascended Lord, and you will find rest among rolling green hills of pasture and safety, especially under the care and protection of my mighty arm, for I am Yeshua HaMashiach who is also your chief shepherd who is about to appear!

And so I ask you, my loves, will you return to live amongst the foolish scoffers who mock and seek to tempt you into their faithless ways? Will you ignore my words and even the many signs, miracles and wonders that surround you? Do you foolishly think that you can continue to live as those who are ignorant of impending calamity and judgment? Will you go back to living amongst the walking judged, who refuse repentance and choose instead harsh judgment and punishment? I tell you plainly should you try you will find yourselves as the simple who continue past my warnings and are punished unnecessarily and so you have been warned.

Understand that the world you now live is not the same as it was even a few weeks ago, and it continues to change at an ever-increasing rate. Understand that none of you have ever lived in the world that now is, for the world you now live is chained in judgment and yet is allowed to give off the splendorous announcements of the coming marriage in the heavens where I Christ Jesus will forever wed my faithful bride and so will they ever be with me. And as my bride and my Church are snatched away suddenly, then sudden destruction will fall on all the mockers and evil men who laughed you to scorn saying: Tomorrow will be the same as today, and today is the same as yesterday, and I will see no calamity and I am no widow but am a queen ruling over all things! Except suddenly will their destruction come upon them as a woman in travail, and they shall not escape.

So come out from among them and be ye separate in ALL things and in all of your ways. You can have neither part nor lot with them or you will share in their plagues. Understand that events are already underway, even events that will affect the sinners, but I will provide safety for my faithful that these judgments will not harm you my children. For these non-stop birth pangs are intended to wake the last of those who slumber and to separate the last of those who will board the Ark before calamity falls suddenly and time is up. You can no longer live careless lives and you must walk in great wisdom so heed my warnings and understand that I have given you great wisdom and understanding that you should be able to discern the times you live, even amongst those who are deep and fast asleep to the approaching calamity and who will suffer as a result.

So understand that the time remaining is inconsequential and only serves Yahweh’s purposes before judgment falls suddenly. Yes, the enemy is given the chance to stage for his attack on Secret Babylon for so is given of him by Yahweh to accomplish. But understand fully that Satan is a defeated enemy who is bound to the earth for judgment and he is only allowed to further the purposes of Yahweh and he will sit in silence and wait for the restrainer to be removed and he can literally do nothing more than he is allowed, so fear not the roar of that toothless lion for the little prince is bound in defeat! For of a truth, the fallen ones fear you and they understand and know that those they once victimized will be the ones who bring judgment and righteous punishment into their own bosoms eternally and forevermore. What? Know you not that you will judge angels?

And so I ask you my loves, will you now disallow my grace and mercy that is extended to the lost, even as judgment and calamity are arrange to fall suddenly? Have you forgotten the many years of grace and mercy that I undeservedly gave to you so you could fulfill your sins before turning to righteousness? Will you deny those who seek to board the Ark so we could be united a moment earlier? I am persuaded better of you, my children, and so I ask your patience and long-suffering, even before calamity falls suddenly.

If any among you think you have cause to bring justice on Satan and his kingdom, I have more cause than has ever entered your hearts. For which of you have fought Satan, even to your last drop of blood as you willingly hung from that rugged stake in utter agony. For I willingly carried my cross and gave myself in eternal victory as I was wronged at the hands of evildoers, as I took your place in judgment in great agony outside the gates among the vilest of sinners. My blood was innocent and no evil could rightfully be charged to my account. Yet in my love for my Father and my love for you, I willingly laid down my life and I would do it again in an instant, though such a thing is not needed. So even in your present distress follow my example of endurance knowing that suddenly you will go into everlasting deliverance!

And so I ask you to continue steadfast right up until the end, even the end where you are suddenly taken in the twinkling of an eye into the heavens into eternal reward and eternal purpose, and yet the dead in Christ shall rise first and you will join them suddenly in everlasting celebration. For the eternal purposes of which you have been called, chosen, sealed, and kept will fulfill the eternal purposes of the most high God and all is about to be revealed in you my children, so shine for me as my lights right now in this last pause before sudden calamity strikes the earth. And I will bring them to you that you may bring them to me, for you are still my ambassadors right up until suddenly you are taken into the heavens. And suddenly will great calamity fall.

Understand that time is up and nothing can turn back the events that are coming and are lining themselves up against the dwellers of the earth, for great is the coming judgment of sinners. And so I ask and constrain you by the very same compassion, grace and mercy Yahweh has shown you in the face of Jesus Christ for your salvation. Can you remain faithful to the end? Will you allow yourselves to enter into my eternal rest without quitting at the last minute? Will you focus your full heart and attention on my words and understand that suddenly it will forever change and suddenly is now.

There is no time remaining for Secret Babylon to repent and there is no more time in my age of grace and mercy for time is up. And to every season there is a time and a purpose and in the consummation of times will sudden redemption fall on the redeemed so let the redeemed of the earth say so whom he has ransomed from the hand of the enemy. And do not allow the thief to steal your joy for what bride mourns the day of her wedding, even a glorious, holy wedding day of which none can corrupt nor trouble.

So take comfort in my Words of comfort and quit living as those who are cast down in shame and guilt. For you my bride, are those whom I have made spotless and without fault before the very throne of Yahweh, and you are the first-fruits from the dead. Even though those of you who are alive and remain will never taste death, you were born dead in trespasses and sins. And you will have passed directly from death (of which in dying you would have died), straight into life eternal of which you already live the down payment, even that great seal of Yahweh wherewith you are sealed for that sudden day of redemption. For you are born again of incorruptible seed and you are the sons of the most High God, even sons of the Almighty God!

Therefore, take comfort and be at rest and work with me in this victory lap of the ages. For there has never been a time on the earth such as this and never will there be a time such as this again. Even a time where the eternal sons of God consciously await their first breath of eternal life as babes of eternity into the everlasting presence of the everlasting God where they will marry their everlasting Lord in everlasting covenant, and…suddenly, shall it be!

I am he who offered myself once, all, and forevermore as the perfect Passover Lamb
I am about to gather the faithful to myself in the safety of the heavens in the throne room of Yahweh
I am he who cares for your souls and he who tends to your continued growth that you may grow as a righteous plant
I am he whom Yahweh has given as gardener and caretaker of his most sacred garden of the souls of the redeemed
I am the great eternal Lord of Lords and King of Kings, even your righteous Lord
I am he who will take my inheritance from the hands of the squatters who have no claim
I am the Word of God made flesh and every Word of God will indeed come to pass
I am Yeshua HaMashiach who is also your chief shepherd who is about to appear!

I, Yeshua HaMashiach have sent these Words by my servant, and by my servant have these Words been sent!

And so I encourage you my loves to faint not and remain steadfast until the very sudden end that will forever make an end of your time on earth in your current state. Suddenly, and in the twinkling of an eye will you find yourselves standing in the throne room of Yahweh in everlasting joy and you will fully understand and know even as you are fully understood and known. And so promise will meet fulfillment in everlasting joy and everlasting glory that awaits you and all will be fulfilled in you in the twinkling of an eye, and suddenly shall it be. Remain in me my children for I love you greatly and am not ashamed to call you my brethren.


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