“Suddenly” Dream
1/5/24 7:08 PM
Sister in Christ
“Around 7:00 AM on November 3, 2024, I had a dream about the invasion of a nation.
I found myself in a classroom with a group of people. Some I know personally in waking life and others I did not identify in this dream. It seemed as though we had just started a new period and were all waiting for the teacher to arrive to begin the lesson. I was seated to the left of my mother who was seated in front of a large window—the only one in the room.
As we waited, I noticed four or five black hair ties around one of my mother’s ankle. I leaned over to remove them from her leg and all but one of them came off easily. The last one was overstretched to the point where the white elastic was visible. I attempted, using both hands, to pull the hair tie apart, but to no avail.
To our right, on the casing of the window were a pair of black kitchen shears and a smaller pair of hair scissors. I reached for the kitchen shears, my mother handing them to me before I could reach them, and cut the last hair tie off. Once the old hair tie fell off, I sat up and looked out the window, observing the bright, beautiful and peaceful day outside. However, this peaceful moment was short lived as gunfire suddenly rang out.
My mother and I looked at each other, perplexed, as we were in a decent area where violence was uncommon. As I looked out the window once more, I saw hundreds of paratroopers gliding across the skies in perfect alignment. They were not descending vertically, but horizontally as if their intended drop zone was much farther away from where we were, perhaps another country. They were gliding from the East to the West and, from what I could see, appeared to have red parachutes (I live in the Caribbean region, so, the only nation directly to our West is Babylon, America).
Suddenly, I yelled out in alarm (not panic, nor fear), “The invasion! The invasion! Look, people of God! What do you see? What do you see? What do you perceive?” The people in the classroom became alarmed but remained seated in their desk chairs. I continued, “The nation that you know as America is about to be destroyed. Babylon is fallen!”
The people began to scatter and the classroom quickly cleared of students. My mother and I got up to leave when my husband, whose name means “God has heard” and who was paired up with his nephew, suggested we stay put. I explained to him that remaining in place would end poorly for us as the enemy will go building to building and room to room looking for the inhabitants. Then, my mother and I left the classroom together. As we stepped outside, I remembered the scriptures instructing us to “flee to the mountains”:
“When you see Jerusalem being surrounded by armies, you will know that its desolation is near. Then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains, let those in the city get out, and let those in the country not enter the city.” (Luke 21:20-21)
Once outside, my mother and I waited by the classroom door, not wanting to become separated from my husband. When he eventually made it out of the classroom, great relief upon his face, he and his nephew took off running. My mother and I followed behind them.
As we ran, I continually praised God saying, “Thank You for Your word. Thank You for being faithful to Your word. You said it would happen before this year is out.” At this moment, rain, which began almost immediately following the revealing of the invasion, was falling from the sky. Along with the rain came heavy cloud cover. I continued, “Jesus said they would use the clouds to conceal the events in the skies.”
As I followed behind my mother, she ran ahead quickly to catch up to my husband and his nephew who had created quite a distance between us. I maintained my pace, however, I was so far behind them that I lost sight of them after they all turned a corner ahead of me. Once I turned the same corner, I had arrived at a beachfront restaurant. I did not stop running as I approached the dining area of the restaurant which was set up on an outdoor deck facing the ocean. A waitress of the restaurant signalled downward towards a flight of stairs as I reached the deck. She never uttered a word but I could hear her telling me which direction my mother, husband and nephew went.
As I quickly descended the stairs, I noticed that the people who were seated at the tables seemed entirely oblivious to what was occurring. They were comfortably dining, drinking, partying as the class of student fled. I even heard one woman complimenting me on how beautiful I looked in my dress. I didn’t take one second to stop and respond to her.
Once on the dock, I moved to stand beside my mother who was waiting to be picked up by a boat reserved for us. I looked up in the sky which was completely overcast with thick clouds. In an opening in the clouds, I saw the shadow of a tail of a large beast. Then in another opening, I saw the head of a dragon and it was blowing fire. I said, “Mommy, it’s a dragon.” She replied, “I know I wasn’t seeing things.”
One of the last prayers I prayed during intercession the night before I feel asleep was for Babylon (America), that the light of God would shine upon them and bring about exposure in all the land. An exposure to separate the light from dark; an exposure of light to liberate those called from spiritual blindness; an exposure of light to bring those prodigal sons and daughters up out of the pig pens. An exposure, not for the sake of scandal, but for the sake of restoration and salvation.
Take this back to our Heavenly Father for further revelation by His Holy Spirit. Try and test all that has been shared.
Psalm 133:1
Mark 13:35
Isaiah 58:6
Ecclesiastes 4:9-12
Revelation 18:4
Ezekiel 33:1-6
Luke 21:20-21
Isaiah 55:11
Ecclesiastes 3:1-8
Matthew 24:38
Hebrews 1:14
1 Thessalonians 4:16-18
Revelation 12:9
Message end.
Grace and peace from our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.
Sister in Christ