Stand at the Ready, Be Ready!
December 29, 2020 6:53 PM
at the ready - poised, waiting, prepared, in readiness, ready for action, all systems go
This morning 12.29.20 I heard in my spirit ‘pray‘. Then I received the following message.
Put on the Armor of God. In the days ahead your prayers and the prayers of other believers will avail much. Destruction, chaos will commence – but the prayers of My saints will mitigate or lessen the consequences. Yes there will be suffering, yes there will be destruction – but your prayers will offer solace and comfort to the needy, the masses – and will set back the plans of the enemy. It will be like a bulwark, a shield of protection of armor around My people and their circumstances. Fear not I will be with you always! But you must do your part by opening your mouth in prayers of thanksgiving, interceding, warfare, pleading.
You must PRAY for justice and against tyranny. You must PRAY for the will of the Father to be done upon the earth, not the will of the people or those who usurp power, but the will of the Almighty to be done. PRAY for the lost that they may see the light of truth and that the darkness is cast aside into oblivion. PRAY for mercy and compassion be shown to the world through My people who walk with and follow Me and My ways. PRAY to persevere until the hour that I come to enact justice upon the earth. PRAY that you may be found worthy to stand before Me as I was found worthy. Do not belittle or undermine the power and authority that is inherent in the prayers of the saints. They avail much as does the prayer of a righteous man whom I look upon. Worship Me, seek My face, seek Me in My word.
Many preparations have gone forth in the physical – but I speak of a conversion of the heart, a transformation, a death to the self. When you walk about this earth, the world should see Me Jesus. You are My emissaries, My chosen vessels who emulate me through your words, actions and most of all your love. It was for love of you I died willingly and it is that same love that is calling forth all who hear the sound of My voice within the recesses of their hearts. COME AND FOLLOW ME! I called out to My disciples many years past and I call upon My children, My disciples, apostles and martyrs to stand strong in that day, in that hour and TAKE UP YOUR CROSS AND FOLLOW ME as My true disciples did. They dropped everything for Me and I require My beloved servants to do the same. TAKE UP YOUR CROSS, COME FOLLOW ME!
Your Lord Savior and King Yeshua HaMamashiach
The Lion of the Tribe of Judah who awaits your obedience and answer to My call
The rewards I have in store for My children are great beyond measure. My Kingdom is not of this world but I offer you Paradise this day if you take up your cross and bring in the harvest of souls that is ready to be plucked from this earth. I stand at the ready. Come follow Me children.
I return soon upon the clouds of glory upon glory. Seek My face, seek Me wholeheartedly and your reward in heaven will be great.
Your Lord, your King, your All
Yeshua HaMamashiach
May His Kingdom Come
In closing I heard in the spirit ‘Stand at the ready, be ready!’
While 2020 was a year of trial and testing, I believe 2021 will bring us closer to the things the Holy Spirit has warned about and the fulfillment of many prophecies especially for the nation of America. God has been merciful in dealing with us but now is the time to stand up and be counted worthy. I pray that the Holy Spirit will infuse our hearts with the courage and the love of God and help us to stand and keep standing until Jesus returns for us.
Scripture Reference:
Revelation 22:12. 12 “And behold, I am coming quickly, and My reward is with Me, to give to every one according to his work.”
Luke 21:36. 36 “Watch therefore, and pray always that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man.”
Colossians 4:2. 2 Continue earnestly in prayer, being vigilant in it with thanksgiving.
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