Spiritual Warfare: Christians Can Be Demonized (not possessed)
12/17/24 11:05 PM
Much is misunderstood about Spiritual Warfare, Demons, and Deliverances. A demon is an entity you cannot see and thrives on sins you commit. Demons are given permission to live inside of a person by various means. The more sins you commit, the more demons you may have. Sin becomes that permission slip, that allows them to enter.
We fight the battles that we are confronted with each and every day. Battles of alcoholism, drug abuse, lust, lying, stealing, sleeping around with those God never meant for us to be involved with. We think these are our choices, but are they?
Sins are invitations for demonic spirits to enter our bodies. They are given permission, by our actions for their entrance. It becomes easier each time we have infractions, to continue in them. Demons influence our thoughts and nag for our flesh to comply. It becomes harder and harder to stop that sin(s) as time goes on. Each of us is subject to the flesh. The flesh is weak, and an effort must be made to stay away from fleshly desires.
When demons attach themselves to us, they cause havoc not only by the sins we commit, but also sometimes in our health. Have you ever had a panic attack? Have you ever had a sleepless night with horrible dreams? Have you ever been to a doctor for an illness that all of a sudden manifested, with no answer (or diagnosis) of why it was there? These can be influenced by the sins you introduced in your life. You or possibly your loved one gave permission to that demon to enter in some cases. Demons feed on your pain and suffering and ultimately want your soul tainted.
Like the wind, you cannot see a demon. They are invisible, do not have their own body, but look for a body to inhabit. Demons most likely came about from the fallen angels. Spiritual Warfare is a means of extraction of those entities you want to get rid of. Those who do deliverance are familiar with the tricks demons use to keep their ground (and that is your body). Self-deliverance is possible and totally doable, but one would need to research how it is done and must be a Born-Again Christian. Read “Pigs in the Parlor: The Practical Guide to Deliverance by Hammond”.
Firstly, it is important that the person wants to release that demon. It is also important that the person stays away from that sin(s) after the demon is released. For if you go back to the same sin(s), seven times more demons will reenter you. It is important that you be filled with the Holy Spirit to take the place of the demons that were extracted. This way you will have no empty spaces that were once inhabited by demons. The Holy Spirit infilling can be maintained by reading Gods Word, prayer, fasting, speaking in tongues, praising God, and hearing and speaking his Words (bible verses).
Life is not as cut and dry as just the actions we take. demons are invisible entities we cannot see. They can influence our feelings, actions, health, etc. We choose which master we wish to follow by our actions. Ultimately, one or the other, can become the master (God or satan) of our lives.
Christians can be influenced by demons but are not “possessed” by them. Your actions become who you are. Sin is not permissible if you want to be with God and Jesus. This is why if you are written in God’s “Book of Life” you can also be erased. For his Word says, “If you love me, obey my commandments (John 14:15)”. Baptism has always been done with the remission (stopping) of sins. Matthew 26:28, Mark 1:4, Luke 1:77, Luke 1:77, Luke 3:3, Luke 24:47, Acts 2:38.
The body is made up of body, soul, and spirit. When we are saved and born again, the Holy Spirit comes and lives in our human spirit. By sinning, full legal rights have been given to the enemy to enter in. demons will move into the body and soul of that person. demons will not be able to enter into the SPIRIT of a Christian because the Holy Spirit resides there. Our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit, and he resides there. Individuals that are being attacked continually, may have given legal permission to the enemy to reside there. It is important to close all sinful avenues that create a hole in your armor, which give permission to the enemy to dwell within. The door has been opened, with sins you partake in.
Jesus made a way to make it to Heaven through knowing him. When he died on the cross, he gave you the ability to repent of all negative actions and sins. Repentance means going in the opposite way and stopping those actions. Repentance is the first step in the right direction.
The person will have to repent to God and renounce the sin and never to go a back to it. Yes, sometimes we fail but can repent again. Unfortunately, you have reopened the door for the enemy to reenter. Stay clear of sin to keep your body righteous.
Breaking the legal right of the demon, is the fastest and best way to rid oneself of demons.
Lifestyles that oppose entrance to demons:
1. Make sure you are not sinning
2. Be in Full surrender to the Lord
3.Read his Word
4. Pray daily
5. Praise and worship the Lord
6. Fast
7. Develop a Relationship with the Lord
8. Have no open doors
Sins that leave open doors to the enemy:
(Not a complete list)
Unforgiveness (God said he would forgive you if you forgave others)
Killing (Thou shalt not kill. Also means unborn babies)
Stealing (Taking what is not yours)
Lying (Telling untruths or skillfully avoiding a subject to avoid a truth)
Lust (Unholy thoughts while thinking of a person)
Homosexuality (sleeping with the same sex. God created only man and women. Unions are to be of the opposite sex in marriage only)
Sex out of wedlock (having a partner who you are not married to)
Covertness (Wanting what is not yours)
Pride (Thinking you have all the answer and will not listen to any opposing views)
How Demons Get Into a Person- Open Doors
1. All Sins give permission to the devil. Unforgiveness, lying, cheating, pride, lust, etc
2. Family doors- Rape, Childhood trauma’s, physical or psychological trauma, extreme verbal, or physical abuse on others
3. Criminal activity or murder
4. Occult & New Age Practices-Ouija boards, Idol worship (anything that does not put God/ Jesus first in your life), Witchcraft, Astrology (not Astronomy), horoscopes, tarot cards, mediums, talisman, divination, palm reading, sorcery, voodoo, necromancy, Yoga (most poses are to deities which conjure up spirits). occult and spells, astral projection, channeling, crystals, spirit guides, palm reading, psychics, new age, blasphemy, substance abuse, reiki, secret societies, sexual perversion, Santeria, hoodoo, voodoo, Hermeticism, blood oaths, law of attraction, bringing cursed objects into your home.
5. Entertainment- Music (some) Lucifer was the angel and chief Musician; much music is tainted. Some lyrics are Backward Masking (when played backwards may be promoting satan, Movies (some) Horror, sexual, magic. Video games (some)
6. Anything you put before Jesus- Idolatry (hobbies, sports, music, tv, celebrities, statues etc.)
7. Books (some) i.e.: horror, magic (harry potter). reincarnation, sexual publications, new age
8. False religions, cults, satan worship,
9. Involvement in the abortion industry
10. Doing any type of drugs
11. Generational Curses (Renouncing all generational sicknesses/curses and ask for clean blood lines of all individuals in your blood line)
Putting on the Armor of God
Ephesians 6 should be said in the morning EVERY day without fail or right before doing a deliverance.
Reading this out loud:
I put on my belt of truth
I put on my helmet of salvation
I shod my feet with the preparation of peace
My words are sharper than any two-edged sword
& My Faith will get me through the fiery darts that the enemy might want to put my way
But NO WEAPON formed against me, my family or friends will prosper
I bind all transference of demons (before a deliverance)
I am covered in the blood of Jesus Christ
I put a hedge of protection around me all day and all night.
The enemy’s plans will not succeed. For I am strong in the Lord.
There are demons of: Lying, Killing, Suicide, Depression, Lust, Homosexuality, anxiety, bitterness, addiction, prejudice, hate, vengeful, deluding, evil, war, accusers, tempters, suicide, sexual, gluttony, greed, envy, pride, sloth, etc.
Demons can cause health problems: Anxiety, depression, mental health, night terrors, sickness of various types.
Let me once more bring up unforgiveness. It is my experience that about 25% of Christians are holding on to unforgiveness of the past and/or present. No attempts are made to change the heart. satan loves when you hold grudges, for it gives his demons permission to live within you.
All avenues of sin must be stopped with repentance to stop the sores (demons) that are festering within your body. Deliverance (self or by another) needs to be done on those who wish to get rid of their sins. Some people wish to hold on to their demons and do not understand the influence they have in their lives. Deliverance on those who wish to stay in their sins are generally useless, for they just go back to their sins.
Demons absolutely hate when a deliverance is being done on them. They will fight to hold their ground (your body) and will try to outlast the person who is doing the deliverance. It is important that the demon does not outlast the deliverer.
Many techniques are administered to rid a person of the pesky intruders. There are many who specialize on various platforms on deliverance.
If you are looking for someone to do a deliverance, go to a website www.deliverancemap.com This site will show who can help with a deliverance in your area. Over 2000 people are available to help. Go to www.isaiahsaldivar.com/deliverance.
(YouTube: Isaiah Saldivar, www. isaiahsaldivar.com Also I highly recommend his book called, How to Cast Out Demons: Everything You Need to Know About Deliverance.)
Demons know much about each and every person. They know your weak points, they know how to get to you, in the most efficient way. They know what you want and try their best to influence and introduce that sin to you (aka familiar spirits). The flesh is weak, and they know it.
Personal Stories about demons and my interaction with them:
I had listened to the song “Mary Did You Know” over and over. I was volunteering at a homeless center, but no one knew about me and certainly not what I had been listening to. One homeless person came up to me and said he wanted me to listen to some music. I told him I was extremely busy (I was helping 5 people with clothing at the time), but he wouldn’t leave till I listened (he also did not seem to want any clothing), so I finally said, “ok”. When he turned the music on, it was “Mary Did You Know”. I was in shock. Then he said it was about “His Master”. I rebuked him and got him to leave.
Another time there was fighting in the dining room. I was in the clothing room next to the dining room. I started to pray for the fighting to stop. I knew that no one in the dining room could hear my prayers. All of a sudden, the noise stopped and the person that was fighting came over to the clothing room and stared blankly at me (demons know and can hear supernaturally). Then he went back to the dining room and the fighting re-erupted. I again started praying out loud and this time adding that you must leave now. Go now. Do not come back. This time the person (demon) left from the emergency exit (which in 2-3 years I had never seen anyone use), never to be seen again.
I have had demons attack me for doing a deliverance (I had not covered myself in the blood of Jesus- It was the first deliverance I had done without others around). Immediately after finishing the deliverance, a horrendous migraine came on in 2 minutes. After I rebuked the migraine, it was gone in 5 minutes. Demons know what you are doing and will fight back. They are not docile and without action.
Usually, the person needs to denounce the sins they are involved in. They need to repent and say they will no longer be involved in those sins. Then God can forgive you of these sins and deliver you and restore your life. This is not a hopeless situation. God loves each person with unconditional love. He will work with each person who is willing to come to him in repentance, for the sins that have infiltrated their lives.
Cover yourself in the blood of Jesus and put a hedge of protection around yourself before doing any type of deliverance. If you are not a Born-Again Christian, I would not attempt any deliverance. It is best if you have someone who has done deliverances help you to free yourself of these demons.
Unforgiveness can be a stumbling block that many do not address when doing a deliverance on someone. It should be asked if they have any unforgiveness of anyone in the past or present. If so, it should be renounced before moving forward.
Powerful preaching with authority can make demons surface.
The Bible tells us we are able to fight against the devil:
“You may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against . . . the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.”
Here are 8 powerful verses from the Bible, that show us that we are not to be afraid of demons, and that we have authority to directly engage with them, operating under God’s authority and anointing.
1. And He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. He who believes and is baptized will be saved, but he who does not believe will be condemned. And these signs will follow those who believe. In my name they will cast out demons, they will speak with new tongues, they will take up serpents; and if they drink anything deadly, it will by no means hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick and they will recover.” (Mark 16:15-18)
2. “Then Jesus returned in the power of the Spirit to Galilee … the Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, because He has anointed Me to preach the gospel to the poor, He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to set at liberty those who are oppressed, to preach the acceptable year of the Lord.” (Luke 4:14-18)
3. “Behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you.” (Luke 10:19)
4. “Then He called His twelve disciples together and gave them power and authority over all demons, and to cure diseases. He sent them to preach the kingdom of God and to heal the sick.” (Luke 9:1)
5. “And He called the twelve to Him, and began to send them out two by two, and gave them power over unclean spirits … And they cast out many demons, and anointed with oil many who were sick, and healed them.” (Mark 6:7,13)
6. “And when He had called His twelve disciples to Him, He gave them power over unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal all kinds of sickness and all kinds of disease.” (Matthew 10:1)
7. “But go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel. And as you go, preach, saying, ‘The kingdom of heaven is at hand.’ “Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out demons. Freely you have received, freely give.” (Matthew 10:6-8)
8. “For this purpose, the Son of God was manifested, that He might destroy the works of the devil.” (1 John 3:8)
***Those who do deliverance should be a clean vessel themselves. To try to do deliverances when you house sins yourself, is not a good idea. You must believe you will extract the demons. If you don’t believe, then why would the demons believe? Cover yourself in the blood and put a hedge of protection around you before starting a deliverance. Demons will try to attack you to stop the process if you have not covered yourself through prayer first.
A Typical Deliverance:
1. Powerful preaching with power and authority can make demons surface. Command every clean spirit up and out in Jesus’ name. Statements like: You must go now, or I bind every spirit of confusion, lust, hate, abandonment, perversion (whatever sins you are extracting) must come out in Jesus’ name. Come out of the mouth now and go into the Abyss. You have no authority to be here for the blood of Jesus is against you. We bind every foul spirit in Jesus’ name. Come up and out now, you have no rights to stay. I cancel your stay in Jesus’ name. We break and sever your ties right now. Come up and out in Jesus’ name. The Lord rebukes you. We close every door you came through. Come out of his mouth now. The power of the blood of Jesus’ is against you. All unclean spirits bind yourself into one and come out now. He (or she) does not want you any longer. Leave them go. God, send your angels to war against these unclean spirits. We serve eviction papers now in Jesus’ name. Go now for the blood is against you in Jesus’ name. Loose him now! Every foul spirts be gone. You have lost satan, out of the mouth now. He (or she) is the son (daughter) of the son of God. I pray for complete deliverance over my brother (or sister) in Jesus’ name. Lord by your spirit drive every demon out. You will be judged, and we bind you in Jesus’ name. If there is any unclean spirit hiding, make yourself known. We have exposed you. Loose him now in Jesus’ name, out misery, darkness, out of his mouth into the abyss. The Blood is against you. I pray for complete freedom from these chains. Every chain will break freedom over his mind and soul. Lord thank you for setting him free and breaking chains. Then have the person you have been working on renounce every unclean spirit and tell them to tell the spirit you want them to leave immediately in Jesus’ name.
Sometimes a deliverance can be fast and other times will take many hours
2. Demons will exit in various ways. They may scream, come out with coughing, shaking, crying, hiccups, dry heaving, sweating, yawning, upchucking, the person may get on the floor in contorted positions, a demonic voice may talk and in some cases nothing will manifest.
Many musicians have been demonized. Maybe it is the environment, maybe the drugs or maybe the sins that permeate their life. But while I read the lyrics of Imagine Dragons, Demons…… I cannot help but realize that the persons who wrote these lyrics were giving us an insight into the invisible realm of demons (possibly firsthand) and what they do to the soul. Here are the lyrics:
When the days are cold
And the cards all fold (END OF THE GAME OR LIFE)
And the ones we hail (THOSE WHO HAVE BECOME OUR IDOLS)
Are the worst of all, and the blood’s run stale (WE FOLLOWED EVIL)
I wanna hide the truth (THAT I AM A SINNER)
I wanna shelter you (FROM WHO I HAVE BECOME)
But with the beast inside (DEMONS LIVING INSIDE OF ME)
There’s nowhere we can hide (WHERE I GO, THEY GO)
No matter what we breed (WHAT WE TRY TO SEED OR MAKE)
This is my kingdom come
This is my kingdom come (MY KINGDOM IS THAT OF SATANS)
When you feel my heat, look into my eyes (I AM FUELED BY DEMONS)
It’s where my demons hide (THEY HIDE INSIDE OF ME)
It’s where my demons hide
Don’t get too close, it’s dark inside (DARKNESS LINGERS THERE)
It’s where my demons hide (DEMONS HIDE SO NOT TO BE FOUND OUT)
It’s where my demons hide
At the curtain’s call (END OF LIFE)
It’s the last of all (DEATH)
When the lights fade out, all the sinners crawl (DARKNESS, DEATH & HELL)
Will come calling out at the mess you’ve made (SINS LINED OUR SOULS)
Don’t wanna let you down (SORRY THAT I MESSED IT UP)
But I am hell-bound (NOW HEADING FOR HELL)
Though this is all for you
Don’t wanna hide the truth (TRUTH WILL EVENTUALLY COME OUT)
No matter what we breed (WHAT WE DID WITH OUR LIVES)
We still are made of greed (GREED, SELF-GRADIFYING MADE OF FLESH)
This is my kingdom come (HELL)
This is my kingdom come
When you feel my heat, look into my eyes (LOOK BEHIND THE EYES)
It’s where my demons hide
It’s where my demons hide
Don’t get too close, it’s dark inside (MY SOUL IS DARKENED)
It’s where my demons hide
It’s where my demons hide
They say it’s what you make (WHAT IS ALLOWED INTO YOUR BODY)
It’s woven in my soul (SIN HAS BECOME PART OF MY SOUL)
I need to let you go (I HAVE BEEN OVERTAKEN)
Your eyes, they shine so bright (AS I BECOME DARKER, YOU BECOME LIGHTER)
I wanna save that light
I can’t escape this now (IS THERE ANYWAY OUT OF THIS?)
Unless you show me how (TELL ME HOW)
When you feel my heat, look into my eyes
It’s where my demons hide
It’s where my demons hide
Don’t get too close, it’s dark inside
It’s where my demons hide
It’s where my demons hide
Songwriters: Alexander Junior Grant / Benjamin Arthur Mckee / Daniel Coulter Reynolds / Daniel Wayne Sermon / Joshua Francis Mosser
Demons lyrics © Imagine Dragons Publishing, Jmosser Music, Songs For Kidinakorner, Kidinakorner2 Publishing, Songs Of Universal Inc.
The line Unless you show me how is a plea to be helped. The soul is darkened but it is asking for help. Jesus made a way to help those who are infiltrated by demons. Repentance, staying away from all sins and filling yourself with the Holy Spirit is the recipe for Salvation.
Those in sin have made it a comfortable place for demons to dwell in. With a change of Masters (God vs satan), you will make their dwelling space a nightmare to stay in. Demons want to manipulate you and cause you to go back to sin. I know that I would not want to live in a place where I was no longer comfortable. I would want to move. That is pretty much how demons think as well.
Reading God’s Word, prayer, spending quality time with God, listening to Gospel music (even harp music drives demons crazy) will all help to keep demons from indwelling in you. They will try hard to talk you into going back to sins but tell them “get behind me satan”.
Why is all this Happening? (God’s answer)
Many years ago, a part of my angels (fallen) decided to go to Earth and disobeyed the natural order of things. They mated with women and had cross breed children, called the Nephilim. Due to their infractions and disregard for my Kingdom they will spend eternity in hell. The only way they feel they can get at me (God & Jesus) is through bringing as many of my children to hell with them. Many of these slated to hell are in high places in government, technology, and industry. Their goal is your soul.
Remember that anything is possible with God. God loves all his children and want all of them to make it to Heaven. He wishes that all his children get close to him and spend time with him. Stay away from sin, read his word, pray, talk with him, and have a relationship with him.
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