Spiritual Realm Seen: We Must Hear and Obey God’s Voice
12/15/24 3:01 AM
Sarah Jo-Jo
Given 2:23 am 12-15-24
Exodus 33:11a "And The Lord spoke to Moses face to face, as a man speaks to his friend." Exodus 33:12b "Yet You have said, I know you by name, and you have also found grace in My sight." Jer. 33:11b "...the voice of them that will say, Praise The Lord of hosts: for The Lord is good; for His mercy endures forever:" Acts 12:7-11 v11 (NIV) "Then Peter came to himself and said, "Now I know without a doubt that The Lord has sent His angel and rescued me from Herod's clutches and from everything the Jewish people were hoping would happen."
Rhema from Abba Father:
“Do I know you? Are you a legitimate child of Mine…are you doing My will?
Those under My wing are those who walk according to My Spirit, who know My Name is worthy of praise, who know My goodness and mercy follow them all the days of their lives.
(Psalm 23:6) Yea, David knew Me and his seed and the seed of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob (Exodus 33:25-26) according to My New Covenant know Me for they abide in My Word and I sup with them. As My covenant with day and night cannot be broken, neither will My covenant through My Son Jesus Christ, your King, Lord, and High Priest be broken. (Exodus 33:20-22)
Are you in this number, oh souls on the earth? I am returning soon, will I know your name… Are you obeying Me and seeking Me, doing My will?
Angels and demons are manifesting in the earth as recorded in the book of Acts. If you are not submitted fully to Me, you will not be able to stand.
Hear Me, seek Me, and be ready when you hear My Voice. Obey what I tell you to do. This is My work. My laborers will gather with Me.”
End of Rhema
Prayer: Equip Your laborers to do Your will, for Your glory, Lord God Almighty. Make Your children as You created us to be in these last days. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Angels being seen:
Mikayla Kooper YouTube
“Amazing testimony will open your eyes”
Note from Sarah:
Demons manifesting: A friend of mine recently learned that her nephew’s 3 children were being severely abused by their mother and her boyfriend. When in her nephew’s custody one weekend recently, the children were resistant to return to their mother.
2 of the children are under age 10. The oldest is 13 years old. The 13 year old began to speak with a demonic voice and then his body fell to the ground and thrashed around violently.
My friend’s nephew ran into another area and called a pastor on his phone. Suddenly, the 13 year old was next to him… and in a demonic voice asked why he had called the pastor. (There was no way the 13 year old would have known this because at the time the call was made, he was on the ground thrashing about.)
The children are being cared for and the mother is being investigated.
I felt Abba wants us to know that the spiritual realm is being made manifest. Abba wants us to be ready. We must know Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior’s Voice so we know how He wants us to handle such things.
Seek The Lord, saints. Be equipped for the times we live in!
PS sorry I can’t add links to Mikayla Kooper’s YouTube video. My Yahoo mail is also acting up. Saints now is the time to having done all…to STAND. Our King is The Victor!
Photos courtesy Depositphotos