9/27/24 5:44 AM
Marty Breeden
Dream Friday September 27, 2024:
My friends, last night I had one of the most graphic and sobering and somber dreams I’ve ever had.
First, let me say that I don’t ask for dreams, but I always pray:
“Lord, if you choose to speak, I choose to listen!”
Lately my wife and I have been having a series of what I believe are prophetic warning dreams.
As I share today, know that I CANNOT and will not share the intense graphic nature of what I saw coming in my dream……
But I’ll try to share as much as I can.
As I always say, pray and ask the Holy Spirit to lead and guide you in ALL THINGS!
It seemed that the dream started and I saw a LARGE DARK TORNADO that seemed to stretch 50 miles into the sky!
This massive funnel cloud seemed to be accompanied by a massive dark storm.
Almost immediately I saw where this storm begin to traverse across the land and everywhere it hit, IT seemed that there was a “SPIRIT OF VIOLENCE AND LAWLESSNESS” that struck EVERYWHERE the storm went!
Cities, small towns, convenience stores,….extreme violence in places that at one time were peaceful communities.
(I have to now choose my words carefully!)
I saw almost everyone well armed when they left their homes.
It seemed there was no guarantee that when you left home, that you would return safely.
I witnessed people being targeted and harmed in the most unimaginable ways….
I saw carnage that was beyond description!
At one point I saw complete anarchy and chaos and even law enforcement that was on location when acts of lawlessness amd violence took place….
It appeared that they were overwhelmed.
(As a retired Police Officer myself, this troubled my spirit greatly. )
At one point, I was forced to defend myself, as I saw a spirit manifest in someone and I was about to be targeted.
After this incident, I and many others begin to run and seek safety, because at this point in the dream, it seemed that it had all broken loose in an Unprecedented manner!!
It was then that I saw a large and robust and strong building that looked like a church.
Many of us made our way to that structure….
And just as we were about to walk in, there was this MASSIVE EXPLOSION just only a few miles away, and the debris hit the church and some even made it inside….
Although no one inside seemed to be harmed.
This “church” had a large altar up front, and in my dream, it seemed the closer one got to the altar…
The safer they would be!!!…
As I was up front at the altar I heard much screaming abd yelling taking place outside…
But I also saw many many making their way to this church for safety!……
I awoke…….
My friends, I think this dream is a WARNING of things to come!
I think it’s also comforting, to know that we can seek and find refuge at the altar of God!
I believe the church structure that I saw was symbolic of Christ and the altar was seeking His face and His will , and that the ONLY SAFE PLACE will be within the confines of relationship with Jesus in these last hours!
Marty Breeden
Photos courtesy Depositphotos