Barbara Francis
GOD so loved the world that he gave is only begotten so so that whoever believes on him is not condemned but whoever does not believe in the son, the CHRIST is condemned already. My children the wickedness and darkness grow greater with each passing day.Hearts are cold. . I see the depravity worsen. A wicked adulterous generation corrupting their own innocent children and exposing them to evil . Murdering their unborn because they are in convenient and in the way. Abusing and selling their children for personal gain. Adultery destroying families. Nations allowing an unholy union and calling it marriage. I have blessed man and woman and spoke “be fruitful and multiply”. I have not blessed any other UNION. I AM SO GRIEVED!. CORRECTION has begun and will continue. My wrath is kindled against those allowing this perversion to take place. I will give your nation over to your enemies. Your leaders will die by the sword. Many have put other strange GODS before me. The BEAST has already established his system,his followers and his army within. Satan the Adversary is delighted to see what has become to MAN. His time is AT HAND. Earthquakes , darkness and flooding will continue. His mark is prepared and already accepted.. SOON MANY WILL WORSHIP THE BEAST AS THEIR GOD. REPENT, REPENT, REPENT
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