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Some words, dreams, visions from The LORD GOD Almighty [YHWH] – A Servant of The LORD GOD Almighty from Brazil


Some words, dreams, visions from The LORD GOD Almighty [YHWH].

February 23, 2022 6:26 AM
A Servant of The LORD GOD Almighty from Brazil

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Some words, dreams, visions from The LORD GOD Almighty [YHWH].

I was saved on January 1984. Soon The LORD started to give me words, dreams, flash visions, awakening me in the early hours of the day in order to pray [many times giving me names of known and unknown people and places to pray]. I can remember many warnings I received along the years about me and my loved ones.

However, only on January 9th, 2018 I began to take notes of them [I cannot recall, but I guess this was around the time that brother Michael Genchi on his YT channel Mike444 brought me to This Site].
According to the vision of McKana released by 444 PN on February 14, 2022:

“Since we are running out of time, whoever is give, small or big a message(s) from the Lord has a short window of time to release it now, with no delay.” [https://444prophecynews.com/white-liquid-fire-in-the-palms-of-the-hand-mckana/]

Since then I am struggling with myself, because I never intended to make them public, except for one or two words that The expressly told me to release, which I did through my FB profile. But The Father is disquietening on this issue through His Holy Spirit. So, who am I who am I to contend with GOD?

[“9Woe unto him that striveth with his Maker! Let the potsherd strive with the potsherds of the earth. Shall the clay say to him that fashioneth it, What makest thou? or thy work, He hath no hands?” Isaiah 45.9

20Nay but, O man, who art thou that repliest against God? Shall the thing formed say to him that formed it, Why hast thou made me thus? Romans 9.20]

I shall try to do my best, but I will not able to give or explain all of them [even because a lot of things I haven’t been able to understand until now].

January 9, 2018 – I heard the words, “Many of you are leaving. Soon! Four of you. [my immediate family] I thought “and the children?” Then I heard,
“And the children.”

[On Jan, 10, sister Melissa from Midnight Hour Oil YT channel: “The Rapture Train is leaving soon!!! are you on board?]

February 2, 2018 – I heard, “It’s time to go.” Then: “Home”, and “Daughter”.

February 2, 2018 (dream) – I heard part of The Shemah [Deuteronomy 6.49]: “Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God is one LORD: “ Deuteronomy 6.4 Moses[as GOD/YHWH] leading a crowd through the Red Sea. The LORD woke me up right away. I thought: it’s a crossing! JESUS/YAHushua takes us out of Egypt and takes us to the Promised Land!

February 7, 2018 – I heard “Upcoming is roaring” [Me: A/C coming? The fake lion?]

February 11, 2018 – Dream: My grandson saying, “The door of the Grace WAS shut! [my emphasis].

February 15, 2018 – I heard “We are leaving” [several times]. [Rhonda Empson YT channel: “The light is leaving” (she said, … “We are leaving…”). Also, sisters Darla/ GOD’s Gifts and Gigi/Blue Heaven (the same thing).

February 17, 2018 – First, two flash visions:
. A fine white mesh rippling over what appeared to be a person’s figure. [A/
. Soon after, a long black thing, like a snake on a wall. [Again, A/C?]
Then, I heard: “ ‘He’ is coming. You must be out.” [AntiChrist?]
And, “The war is coming.” [Me: Watch Israel and his enemies]

February 17, 2018 – An extensive dream, which I’ll summarize: me and family leaving the house to never come back, before “they” arrived. I felt like “they” were the Muslims. We left something well hidden on earth [The Bible].

February 19, 2018 – [Revelation 7.3], ..” … Hurt not the earth, neither the sea, nor the trees, till we have sealed the servants of our God in their foreheads.” Flash vision:
A [virgin] bride peering through a crack under the door, agitated, to see if she could see the shadow of The Bridegroom’s feet who is about to arrive. I was with her, because I said, “If you are attentive, He will warn you”.

February 23, 2018 – I heard, “Impending Judgment” [sisters Darla/GOD’s Gifts and Mary Ann/Crazy bout Jesus ya’ll: the same word].

March 4, 2018 – I heard, “Mandatory” [I thought: MOTB].

March 6, 2018 – I heard, “ The AntiChrist was received.” [I wrote down:
“Temple Mount rising of AntiChrist March 9-10th – Also: Numbers 19.1-22
(Red Heifer) – Shabbat Extra Readings. [I do not for sure why I wrote this.
Normally I search for things related to the words received (and, I know JESUS is The Red Heifer). ]

March 8, 2018 – [dream] I was in a Catholic church, watching them, and somebody was following me. As I left, I shouted to them: Idolaters! I put on FB the video “Mary” from brother Todd Napier/It’s Finished.

March 9, 2018 – I heard, “The Bride says, He [Jesus] is coming!

March 10, 2018 – [dream] My daughter saying: I know you made some candy and it’s up here. Me: No, it’s down here! [The Word? Loved ones looking for?]
[vision/dream] My son-in-law “stealing” food from the fridge. He turned into a very large man, a little darker in color, ugly-looking, with tattoos. He looked really bad at me. [stocked food in the fridge: The Word?] [vision/dream]: My grandson showing someone a laundry basket. (Wash clean, purify?)
I heard, “They disapeared”.
[flash vision] Portrait BHO (O b @ m @). Then, I heard: “The bigger revelation”!
[flash vision] A skillet with plenty of oil.
I heard, “Get out of here, people”. And, “Unlock the seal.” Ahead of [not sure: them or this]

March 11, 2018 – [dream/vision?] A man with his son, fishing in an open window (large, of glass, as maximum-air”, on the right. The man started to close the window (The Father and The Son , ending the harvest of souls? Closing the ark?) [It probably represents that… In the time of The
I heard clearly, several times, as if it was a crowd crying out:
Yahweh[YHWH]! YAHshua! Come quickly, LORD Jesus!
Then I heard, “Come here!” [Revelation 4.1 (Come up hither) 1After this I looked, and, behold, a door was opened in heaven: and the first voice which I heard was as it were of a trumpet talking with me; which said, Come up hither, and I will shew thee things which must be hereafter.

March 12, 2018 – Words:
“Let’s fix another impressive message (So that they can see). So that the can see and understand and reconcile with Me and know that I AM GOD and there is none like Me
[Isaiah 45.22 Look unto me, and be ye saved, all the ends of the earth: for I am God, and there is none else. ].
I AM GOD and I will be exalted all over the earth.”
[Psalm 46.10 Be still, and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth. ]

[I posted this Word on March 13, 2018 – on FB, without the above
Then, I saw a black woman looking at the horizon. And I heard: HalleluYAH!
Behold, He cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see him. Alpha[Aleph] and Omega[Tav], the Beginning and the Ending.
[Revelation 1.7,8 7Behold, he cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see him, and they also which pierced him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him. Even so, Amen. 8I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty.]

March 13, 2018 – I heard,
“I will show you. 1999 they laid down the foundation of the abomination
(Write it down), I the ground. The place was carefully chosen.”
[I researched a lot about it. (1999: Obama – Denver – Colorado, things about Hillary, Trump, Jerusalem… our brother from Many Fish YT channel – video about The Synagogue of Satan on West Wall of Jerusalem (but i think it was built 12 years before).

March 15, 2018 – I heard,
“I will show you” – I saw a statue of baphomet. [related with the previous “I will show you” from

March 13? I don’t know…]
Then I saw a woman dressed in patterned clothes, predominantly yellow, very strong.
[my conjectures: the woman clothed with the sun of Revelation 12? Or, maybe MO portrait released at the same time of the BHO portrait?] [My comment on November 10, 2018: I don’t remember the date, but I think that’s where BHO was photographed dressed as Baphomet.] Revelation 12.1 “1And there appeared a great wonder in heaven; a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars: “

March 16, 2018 – I heard,
“Gloom Sadness” “Are they every gone?”
“I will show you (the abomination).” “This is lizard.” “This emotional thing” [BHO!!!]
[Jonathan Klech – T-Rex King, Lizard Tyrant, Lyzard King!]
“Virgin of Guadalupe.” “Upside down.” [GOD saying Jonathan Klech is right/correct? – I don’t know.]
“The train is leaving!!!”
“Looking right the wrong thing which anyone wants to know.”
[dream/vision] I saw insects*. Myriads of bugs coming out of the holes in the wall (brown, like ants- or termites?). I put too much poison/spray and they started to die. [*It must be the locusts…]
(Later I saw Jonathan Klech’s video about the locusts being released…) Then I heard, “I am the leader of the United Nations” [BHO!!!]. [I don’t know for sure, but I’ve heard several brethren say that he will return as leader of The United Nations…]

March 17, 2018 – I heard,
“I heard many of you are leaving soon and are.”
Later: “They are already gone on April 1st.”* [*Please see Trinity Richt’s son vision: he received the same date(on March 27, 2018, I guess). We don’t know which calendar GOD is referring to… At His time, we will know.] This starts soon. I AM coming ASAP. The tip of spear will throw and it will be done [Tip of Spear = Trump. Mike 444’s video of May 25, 2018 – “Tip of
This is it! It is finished! You are really leaving. Let’s go people! This is the order and must be [done].”
Then, I heard this song, which we sang in the church I used to attend many years ago: “Tell the people of Israel to march. Moses and the children of Israel sang this song to The LORD: I will sing to The LORD, for he has triumphed in glory, giving Israel victory. Tell the people of Israel to march.”

March 22, 2018 – I heard, “Tidal Wave” [I had forgotten. I remembered on
3/23 when Jonathan Klech spoke in his video]. [tsunami?]

March 24, 2018 – I heard,
“Behind you.” “Right before you.” “The kill Me every day.”
Then: “Zeus, the god of Greek mythology.” “Who was (empossed) in his throne.” “He is the Assyrian!”
Then, “Mingle themselves with the human seed.”
Later: “As Sister Darla said: I fought the good fight, kept the faith.” [2 Timothy 4.7 “7I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith: “
And: “Because you have kept My Word… I also will keep you from the tribulation that is to come upon all the earth.” Revelation 3.10 “10Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth. “

March 26, 2018 – I heard,
“Gathering.” “Enter the chamber. I AM coming.” “Monsters from the pit are going to come.” “Entrance.”

March 29, 2018 – [dream/vision] Child on someone’s lap. He only had one eye (light blue) in the middle of his forehead. I couldn’t stop looking. He scratched his eye incessantly, pulling it down with his hand. I warned the person carrying it: Cyclops. [Certainly GOD warning us that these demonic beings will be in The Great Tribulation.]
Then, I saw a blue flacon/capsule, standing, open. [I do not know what it means] [Today, Feb. 22, 2022: the V?]

March 30, 2018 – I heard, “To wrestle” “To fly away”
“(My name), I AM The One who talks to you.”
Flash vision – I saw some feet as if people were being hanged (they were high above the ground). [My comment on November 10, 2018: I believe this has happened in Nigeria.)
Then, I heard,
“That’s [how they are] treating my people.” [I missed some words that I wrote down].
“They are hanging up My people And are be-heading others. They are doing this to My people. They know they are doing this to My people. The ones that persevere are the ones that win The Reign of GOD. They don’t know[realize] what they are doing. They are attacking Me directly. I AM The LORD thy GOD. I that speak unto you. You are going now. You are leaving this world, because I even I AM that Who speaks unto you. I AM The LORD thy GOD.”
“Joseph And Manasseh are going to The Promised Land. And I, I AM The One that speaks unto thee.” JESUS is The LORD. They will confess Me with their mouths. All knee shall bow unto My NAME. JESUS[Salvation] is My
[… Again, I missed some words.] “You wrestle not against the flesh but against the rulers of the evil of the air.”
“This was said to me: It is finished. It is done! This is it! Go My people, enter the chamber until My Wrath be fulfilled ans passes away.”
I saw A helmet, and heard: “But you my brethren…” [Ephesians 6.10,11 “10Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. 11Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. “]
And, “Pray that you are accounted to escape…” [Luke 21.36 “36Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.”] Later: I AM sending you as sheep among the wolves. The Blood of JESUS is over you, cover you and your family. [I was sent by GOD to the house of some people I knew to talk about Him (they didn’t allow me to say everything I should have said)].

March 31, 2018 – Words:
“He that hath eyes to see and ears to hear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches: Behold, I will bring evil upon the earth, and their ears shall tingle, and they shall know that I AM the LORD. Every eye will see. Then those who will hide from me will go to their places. There I will overtake them and punish them for their evil deeds and their pride. [My comment on 2020: All the elite is already in the bunkers.]
“Do you love me, [My name]? Feed my sheep. Pray for the salvation of many. Pray without ceasing. The days are bad, and no one wants to listen. Again, I heard the words of a song/praise known by me: “Not to us, O
LORD, not to us, O LORD, but to Thy NAME give Glory, for Thy Mercy’s
Sake, and Thy Faithfulness… Why do the nations ask, where is your GOD?!
Our GOD is in The Heavens, and He does everything as He pleases…
{Psalm 115]
Then, I heard: “You will seek Me, and you will find Me, when you search for Me with all your mind, and with all your strength, and with all your heart! I will be found of you, says the LORD!” {Jeremiah 29.12-14a: 12Then shall ye call upon me, and ye shall go and pray unto me, and I will hearken unto you. 13And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart. 14And I will be found of you, saith the LORD:”]
The, I heard: “It’s close, very close. Soon you will be with me forever.”

April 4, 2018 – After waking up [I had a long dream, but difficult to interpret], I heard, “Those who crucified Him live in the Vatican and in its followers”. Then, already in the kitchen, it came as a revelation: “Harlot, the mother of all prostitutes is really the Catholic church.”
And, “You will be with Me forever.” “Circle”[the words].
Flash vision – People looking up, saying: Want to see?
2 Big Tents – My grandson in the middle of them cleaning the floor.
Then I heard: There will be no more pain, sorrow, or crying. There will be only one Great Love from GOD. [Revelation 21.4 “ 4 And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away. “]
Then, I saw the numbers: 4-4-14 [I did a lot of research on the meaning of these numbers. I have many notes about it.]

April 4, 2018 – Flash vision, A gaping fridge, but almost empty. [Shortage of The Word?]. I heard, “Fullness of the days.” [Gentiles?] “Bride of Christ: Be aware and vigilant. I AM coming. The bride is ready and leaving now. I AM The LORD Thy God, I Who speak unto you.” “ Get rid of all the things that are not from Me.”

April 5, 2018 – I heard: “Chamber”, and “Upper Room”.
Then, “Prepare the way (pave it) to The LORD. [April 7, brother Ron/JESUS Rules… “Prepare ye the way for The LORD of Hosts.”]
Remarks: I have a lot of things written down [5 or 6 notebooks]. If GOD still troubles my heart and time allows, I will send it little by little. Normally, from the beginning, I receive the Words of GOD in English (I have always appreciated the language, although I don’t know much), and perhaps so that I know for sure that it is He Who speaks to me (in addition to passing through the sieve of the Word).. .] But the reports referring to dreams, visions, songs, I myself translated to English (with the help of an online translator “G****e”, little by little, in order of not to attract too much attention from the AI…) So , I apologize for possible mistakes with the language and/or errors of incorrect typing…
May The LORD GOD Almighty [YHWH] bless and keep all the brethren (and their loved ones), in The Mighty, Precious, Wonderful NAME of JESUS CHRIST of Nazareth/YAHushua HaMaschiach! “22And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying,
23Speak unto Aaron and unto his sons, saying, On this wise ye shall bless the children of Israel, saying unto them,
24The LORD bless thee, and keep thee:
25The LORD make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee:
26The LORD lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace. 27And they shall put my name upon the children of Israel; and I will bless them.” Numbers 6.22-27
Maranatha, Even so, come, LORD JESUS.
“ 20 He which testifieth these things saith, Surely I come quickly. Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus. 21The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all.
Amen.” Revelation 22.20,21


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