
Some Questions and Answers From Jesus – Holy Spirit Wind

Holy Spirit Wind

Some Questions and Answers From Jesus

Received 2-1 through 2-3-19

My children quiet yourself before Me so that you may listen to Me this day. I long to speak to your innermost being. Allow Me remove the scales from your eyes so that you can see and unstop your ears so that you can hear what I am saying.

I have given My true watchmen and prophets thousands upon thousands of messages about the terrible things that are coming upon this generation but who has listened and repented? How many more warning messages must I give? How many more messages must you read or listen to before you before you would repent, begin to do as I say and surrender all to Me and obey My commands? How many of you will continue to seek out mysteries, wisdom, knowledge, numerical sequences, dates and possible apocalyptic scenarios more than Me? How many of you will continue to read warnings looking for clues of timing of events without reading My word? How many more times must I plead with you to spend time with Me so that you can know Me and hear My voice? Who has drawn near to Me so that I can draw near to them? Who has forsaken all to follow Me? Who has been transformed by the renewing of their mind daily? Who has died to themselves daily so that I can live through you? Who of you is ready for the fiery trials that are soon coming? Who of you is ready to lay this life down on account of Me?

Ask yourself this question beloved: has My searching out of various prophecies and current events in the world replaced my time alone with Jesus? I tell you the truth if some of you would spend as much time focusing on Me as you do searching out apocalyptic news and prophetic words, that others are hearing, you would know much more about what is coming and when it is coming then you do now. I tell secrets to those who are close to Me and all My sheep hear My voice. You must seek Me first, with all that is within you before I tell you of things to come. It doesn’t work the other way around. When you seek answers to even biblical questions without seeking Me first, Above All Else, deceiving spirits will answer you or you will hear your own vain imaginations and you will be in error.

I tell you the truth, you will be held accountable for everything that I have spoken and what you have read. This includes all of the warnings you have read and heard from My prophets of today and all of My written word whether you have read it or not. Ignorance is not an excuse because it is a choice. If you choose to remain ignorant when the truth has been offered over and over, you will end up being deceived and given over to the enemy and your own delusions. There will not be any excuse on judgment day! There will be no one standing beside you to defend you unless it is I. I will not defend you unless I know you intimately. If I do not know you I will tell you to depart from Me because you are worker of iniquity and you will be cast into the Lake of Fire with your father the devil who you love. It is not enough to know about Me, you must know Me intimately in the Spirit. I have told you this over and over. I died for your redemption from sin, by My shed blood and so that I could live inside of you and fellowship with you. So that we could be one even as My Father and I are one.

Do not reject Me this day! You know not whether you even have your next breath and you do not know when your number of days are over but I do. I hold it all in my hand and I want you to reach out to that hand and trust Me with everything that you are. Desire Me more anything else and you will gain many, many other things that you desire now. I tell you do not delay for end time events have accelerated quickly just as I have said and they will continue to speed up until time is no more. It is then that he who is wicked will remain wicked and he who is holy will remain holy.

I love you but you must listen to Me now! The kickoff event is still coming and you must be ready! Many even worse things shall follow. Do not reject Me, it may be the last time that you hear My warning and pleading.

Humble yourselves before me now, repent and desire Me Above All Else!


(I felt such strong love as He said that but also sadness because so few are putting what they hear and read into practice)

Jesus Christ

Yahshua HaMashaich


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