Social Distancing
May 14, 2020
The Pen
– Wickedness will be preached as a form of duty, lying as a form of necessity, hypocrisy as a form of courage, anger a form of character, gluttony as a form of well-being, envy as a form of need, greed as a type of benefit, and avarice as a form of acquisitiveness.
– They will no longer preach sharing. The aridity of hearts will be a daily routine: everything for oneself in order to avoid discomfort to oneself. Hatred towards your neighbor will be at its highest degree. Do not allow yourself to be bewitched by the seduction of every man for himself, for whoever does not give becomes the prey of evil.
– They will not encourage helping your neighbor. When someone will want to obtain help, he will have to what the other demands, otherwise he will get nothing. All this will be revealed in a subtle way.
– They will proclaim love by telling you to love yourselves more than your neighbor. Therefore, the children who want to obtain love for themselves will do so by force, to the detriment of others, and this, in all aspects.
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