Sky Full of Incoming Missiles
1/22/25 3:29 PM
Dream Monday October 14, 2024 woke up aprox 6:35am
“This dream was on the 2nd day of a water fast’ It was nighttime. Im outside like at a public center (shopping ?) 1 look up at the sky and 1 see many lights. At first Im not sure what it is than immediately l realize they are incoming missles and people are running screaming in total chaos. I felt it was NOT expected completely by surprise!l And l gasped to myself …IT HAS STARTEDI!” I saw a plane crash (small plane) in As Im driving home 1 pass by Benny Hinn ministry bldg parking lot and ! see Benny throwing water on the crash.
I get home with food bags and my husband is closing blinds & securing windows.
Photos courtesy Depositphotos