‘Shut Down DC’ Coming Soon!
November 1, 2020 9:43 PM
On 10.27.20 I had received a word in a post titled “Uprising!” about a “coming political event surrounding the election” and “would be attempts to thwart the election”.
On 10.28.20 I came across a video which talked about a movement that was gearing up around the outcome of the election called “Shut Down DC”. I was then led to an article by CBN News titled ”Before the Polls Even Close’: Anti-Trump Groups Plot to Shutdown DC and Spark National ‘Uprising After Election – 10.26.20. Was this the coming political event the Holy Spirit was warning about? The excerpt follows.
“Ringleaders of protesters are organizing an effort to “make sure Trump leaves the White House” by any means necessary after the Nov. 3rd election, according to website posts from the group Shut Down DC and their allies….(and to) come up with a plan to create serious disruption if Trump really tried to steal the election!”
“Be ready to block a highway (or all the highways in your town), shut down a port, occupy your state capitol, do whatever it takes!…In addition, the group lays out its plans for its followers with a “Call to Action”. On Nov. 4-7, the group outlines it’s “ready to do whatever it takes!”
Whatever it takes. A sobering message indeed.
The same day I received the following from the Holy Spirit:
Daughter the end is near. Soon turmoil and chaos will erupt across the land. Soon normal will be a thing of the past. The political arena is heating up for a battle – ever since the confirmation of My chosen – Amy Coney Barrett. Watch out for what is coming. Be prepared. Evil is rearing its ugly head.
There will be retribution and violence in the streets. Chaos will emerge as people board themselves up in their abodes for fear of the rioting masses. These individuals are bloodthirsty reprobates who have been given over to the other side. They are soulless and will do whatever it takes to win – going so far as to terrorize and massacre the innocent. I said there would be blood on the streets. These individuals who have been overcome by the evil one crave and feed on fear. Many will succumb to their demands and threats as they stalk, pillage and pilfer across the globe.
There is a hidden agenda which will soon come to light. The targets of this agenda are the President, the Supreme Court Justice My chosen One and the rank and file members of Congress. Their days are numbered. My people must rise up and pray for these men and women in government who put their lives on the line for righteousness sake. The gates of hell will not prevail but your civil liberties and freedoms are at stake. Children come to Me. Seek Me above all else. The vitriol, the backlash will only escalate with time as the enemy manipulates those who are at the forefront of these demonstrations and riots. These are not mere people taking part in these activities. These are individuals who have been taken over by the evil one and who only live to do his bidding.
The day is evil indeed children. You must pray for those of Mine who stand for righteousness sake. Right now the world is divided. Your nation is sorely divided and soon it will fall in a fell swoop – the mighty fall of a once great nation. Alas America that you would be healed – but you were not. You failed to honor Me as Your God and Creator and instead chose to honor My creation.
Come children I return soon upon the clouds of glory upon glory. I come soon to redeem My church and to take Mine back with Me. The catching of the saints will occur in due time so prepare yourselves for the arrival of the Son of Man upon the clouds of glory.
Amen it is so
Yeshua HaMashiach
Your Lord and Savior
Amen Amen
I encourage you to read the CBN News article yourselves. I believe the Holy Spirit is alerting the church to the plans of the enemy surrounding the election. We must continue to pray vigilantly against the bloodshed that is coming and for the leaders in our government who are fighting for our freedoms and civil liberties. The gates of hell will not prevail but may we endure to the very end.
Scripture Reference:
Matthew 16:17-20
17 Jesus answered and said to him, “Blessed are you, Simon Bar-Jonah, for flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but My Father who is in heaven. 18 And I also say to you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it. 19 And I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.” 20 Then He commanded His disciples that they should tell no one that He was Jesus the Christ.
[pdf-embedder url=”https://444prophecynews.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Shut_Down_DC_Coming_Soon.pdf” title=”Shut_Down_DC_Coming_Soon!”]
Referenced article below: