Seven Years
November 1, 2020
Marie Fair
Looking down upon the earth, i see four ships, they are sitting upon the seas, each one positioned in the North, South, East and West. They have huge guns pointed at the United States of America. The time has not yet come. Then my focus is placed upon huge angel armies, dressed in Armour I see the lightning, there is war in the heavens and war on the earth I am the Lord thy God, nothing can stand against my fierce anger. You have refused to repent, You laugh and scoff and say where is his coming? Now you will see where i am , Now you will know i am God and i do as i please. Now there will be seven years, the likes of which you have never seen. Cry, scream, wail, and i shall hear you and i will bring you unto myself, I am waiting sayeth the Lord.
Original article can be found here