Video, Vision



July 17, 2021 3:51 PM
Daniel Masika

Dear Friends and Partners on 444 Prophecy News
I had a Vision in 2007 When Jesus Christ Appeared to me in my Home 3am in the Morning, and He Had a Bow and the Arrow in His Hands and He Shoot the Single arrow from the Bow ,But when it Left One Arrow turned into the seven Arrow, Which He said its The Coming Revival Please watch This Small Video

Auto Generated Transcript

be blessed and
it was 3 a.m in the morning
this was 2007 the year 2007.
it was 3 a.m in morning it was on friday
i was praying
and after praying i decided to go
to do a study i had a few bibles
and a few books in my library
so i went and sit down and begin to do
a bible study my house began to
more to be more heavy with the light
the light become the light begin to come
in my
room uh through the world
and um and i was shocked
my house became more brighter and
shortly i saw somebody standing
dressed in white when i looked at him
i saw the same person
who appeared to me on the mountain and
who took me
to the showed me hell and showed me
and brought me back who introduced
himself to me
is jesus the son of god and
while i was looking at him and i was
he told me i want to show you something
remember i don’t know much about the
bible this time
i was trying to grow in the lord i was
trying to grow
i was trying to grow in the scriptures i
did not
know much about the lord
he had um
a bow with the arrows
and he told me look here
inside my room
uh which was a bed cedar it was the same
my bedroom and
my study room and it was just one room
and uh
and um he pulled the
arrow like a hunter
he pulled the ball and there was an
arrow in his hands
and it was one arrow in the hand
but when when it left
from the bow i saw it
flying and it turned into seven arrows
in the air and the seven
arrows is kind of miracle
the seven arrows went
and the one hit in the middle of
africa another one hit in the middle of
another one hit in the middle of
the the bought seven arrows touched
every continent another one hit
asia and uh when i was still trampling
he said
fear not and he told me
what do you see and i told him
you just shoot out an arrow one arrow
and he turned into seven
arrows and it went and hit the seven
continents and he told me you’re seeing
right and he said
uh the seven arrows
is the coming wind of revival
uh when it when he said that this gospel
shall be preached to the end of the
and then the end shall come and he told
me that
the seven arrows is coming a revival
that is going to shake the whole world
it’s going to um it’s going to make the
whole world
shake and chamber then he said
after the revival there’s going to come
i’m go he said after the revival the son
of man shall
appear he said that he told me that
after the revival the son of man is
going to appear
on the earth so he told me that there’s
going to come
a revival and he said that this gospel
the coming revival is going to
shake the whole world
whereby he said that the gospel shall be
and everybody will hear the gospel in
mountain in the valley um
in the towns in the villages in the
in old world the gospel is going
to be preached because he said when
the revival is going to usher me
in he said the revival is going to usher
me in
so the wind what he was trying to
explain to me
that after the seven arrows that he came
out of his hand
which explained to me that this is going
to be a revival
he says to me that revival is going to
is is um his feet it’s going to
usher it’s going to it’s going to be
like a vehicle
to ash him in because he said after
is going to come in so and uh
and i begin to to ask him he said
when will this happen he told me
that within the seventh minute he told
me that within the seven minutes i told
you i’m going to come
the revival is going is going to take
place you see the revive is going to
take place
and he explained to me when he was
talking to me
there was like fire there was like fire
but it can be
cannot be stopped this
it was like the fire that cannot slain
that cannot destroy the properties but
it was like
fire coming out of his hand that he
filled the
all earth people being immersed into
fire but this is a different fire not
like the one i
saw in hell the hellfire looked like
blue but this one the hellfire looked
like the
the fire that melts the
metal but this one locked fire
that looked like red and this fire like
red and yellow mixed
but this fire went the whole world
from his hand and he told me that the
coming revival
is going to shake the whole nation the
the valleys and everybody will hear the
this i saw i saw millions of people
in asia crying for repenting in the same
this this fire wasn’t consuming anybody
he explained to me that this is the wind
of revival
that’s going to come and it is happening
now and i saw the millions of people and
thousands of people
in in in in africa people are
crying and lifting up their hands and
and crying and asking
uh help so millions of people turning
from the idol
worship and i saw many people from the
from the the world and turning back to
the lord it’s a temple i saw millions of
trampling and crying the whole world was
filled with a cry and they cry people
the cry was not the cry of business but
they cried the people were turning back
to the lord jesus and they were real
crying and looking
up and crying and there were many
many people you can’t explain they were
they were black
people white people the world everest
of the world people were crying and
they was they were sharing tears and
turning to the lord
and um and then uh there’s something
that i don’t want to forget this
is going to happen this revival is all
going to come
um from the the purpose
and the will of a man this revival
that he was explaining to me is going to
from different angle of the world even
in i saw even in arabic world
where people are arabs being filled
by the holy spirit and begin to turn
back to the lord and i saw
many people were slain others were slain
and destroyed
in the countries of arah because of
turning back to jesus but these people
are very happy
turning back to the lord but this gospel
that everybody will hear
that jesus is the only true lamp of god
in this coming revival
but they that will refuse
to repent and turn back to the lord
something is going to happen there will
left behind he told me
but if you eat that book i had i
was holding my bible he said if you eat
that book well something is going to
to you he said the power
revelation is going to come told me
saying pray without
ceasing he said that the time is short
and again he disappeared


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