December 28, 2023 8:52 AM
Given 12-28-23, 7am
Wheat/ tares
Foolish virgins /wise
Faithful servants/ wicked, lazy servants
Hot vs lukewarm (mix Name of Jesus with sin)
Isaiah 55 let the wicked forsake his way and the unrighteous man his thoughts
Is 55: 11 So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.
My sheep are purchased, they are not their own, Word owns those in Whom I abide, in those purchased sheep who abide in Word of God…
Mine know that these are the perilous last days My Word speaks about. For Mine, I am unsealing My hidden Truths to those who ask Me. I give wisdom abundantly to those who ask. Mine will need My wisdom alone to navigate through these days.
My humble children who have set your love upon Me, I AM your Deliverer (PS 59) Wait on Me, your God of Mercy will meet you. Let Me frow your faith as you wait on Me as Joseph did when in prison. My deliverance of you will be seen by all. Your enemies – the wicked beings that seek to devour Mine who have My authority over all the power of those in the world – have only a short time now to do their evil works in the earth. My children must seek Me so I can prepare them for what they will face.
Remember, I said that I love you and will not leave you as orphans. Remember that My Word does not return void. Indeed, I am returning for the harvest of My Word that was planted in you, the good work that I began in you as I drew you to Me all through your life. I do not lie. I do not fail. If you believe Me, you won’t have anxiety regarding tomorrow. Tomorrow is not guaranteed, I know the number of your days. Focus on this day, rejoice in this gift and ask Me to teach you this day. My Word, your Daily Bread which you live by.
Tares are being revealed. These are they among you who were never Mine. I do not know these foolish virgins. They claim My Name yet love darkness. The lukewarm are worse than the cold toward Me. Why? Because they claim My Holy Name as though I am not Holy, and as though I do not see their deceived hearts. They think they can claim My salvation and teach others that it is okay to mix Truth with lies. They teach by their lives that you can claim My costly salvation yet not obey Me or rely on Me in all things.
Foolish virgins, (Matthew 25), the seeds that fell on the rocky and thorny ground (Matthew 13), believe they belong to Me, but they do not do what I said to do. I am not their Lord, but they believe I am. They do not know they are foolish. What is a fool? One who says there is no God. That My Word was not made flesh to defeat the enemy’s work, that My Son has no resurrection power. These are causal about My Word and seeking Me. They can take Me or leave Me. I am not their very breath, bread, water. They do not labor for treasure in My Kingdom, they love their earthly rewards.
But how can a saved person be a fool? Aren’t they saved? These claim My salvation but drink the lies of other blind ‘saved’ people. When you do not obey Me because you choose to follow your carnal feelings and understanding, you are telling Me “I don’t believe in You, Lord God Almighty. I don’t really believe that Your whole Word is Your Son, My Savior Jesus Christ, Word Made Flesh.” If you deny My Word, any jot or tittle of it, you deny Jesus My Son, My Word through Whom all things were created. If you deny My Son, you deny ME. You are a fool in My eyes.
Children, do not rely on your carnal feelings/thoughts/understanding in these days. Some in your own household will rise up against Me in you. I have told you that even those closest to you will persecute you and hate you and give you up to death.
Tares will be forced to get off of their lukewarm fence. Most will choose to hate Me. They have said NO to me while on their fence all this time. That is why lukewarm is worse than being cold toward Me. Lukewarm causes others to remain blind, thinking they know Me. These foolish virgins will be shocked when The Bridegroom tells them that He does not know them and they will not enter the wedding feast. The Son of God will shut the door on these hypocrites who causes much distress for My children. They tempt My children to scoff at holiness that I call you to.
Lukewarm people are influenced by demons because they agree with sin and obey their carnal feelings and thoughts instead of submitting them to Word. Those demons have tried to cause Mine to trip, but My angels surround Mine, to keep their foot from slipping. My Word does not return Void.
2 Timothy 3 is for this day and age. These are the perilous times. Carnal, human love is waxing cold. My fruit, My Love never grows cold.
Ask Me to teach you, those who fear Me with godly fear because you KNOW I am Holy. You know I AM Faithful and True. You who have sought Me have found Me. My remnant knows who they are. They are not double minded. They understand.
But the tares/wicked will continue to do wickedness and they will NOT understand. They who reject My Spirit by their disobedience (unbelief shown through love of, enabling of, excusing sin) WILL NOT UNDERSTAND these last days. I only give My wisdom and understanding to those who obey Me…who love Me with all they are… who have died to their will and desire My will above all to be done in the earth as it is in Heaven.
Your friends and relatives that are lukewarm will be forced to choose to be hot or cold. There are only wise and fools. There are only good trees with My fruit or bad trees with no fruit/rotten fruit.
Those who do not seek Me will become wicked. They will hate you for bearing My Spirit and light. Speak My Truth. Be prepared to be betrayed by those you never thought would choose evil when hardships arise. When the lukewarm experience the heavy losses that people on earth will experience in these last days, indeed even the deception about to be seen by all in the world… those on the fence who excuse sin and think that repentance means to say I am sorry with no turning toward righteousness… they will fall away from Me, but they were never IN Me if they were lukewarm, I never knew them in reality. I do not dwell in the proud. I dwell with the contrite, lowly, humble…only those who hunger and thirst for My Righteousness are filled. The lukewarm cannot know things of My Spirit because their love of sin blinds them. They still have time to turn from sin and do My work. (Revelation 3)
My judgements will manifest in My timing. I have told you what will happen on the earth because in the Days of Noah the wickedness was a stench in My nostrils. The world is again in this place. Truly, most cities on earth are worse than Sodom and Gomorrah. I have not changed. My judgements are here for I will bring vengeance on those demonic spirits who worked through the wicked and the lukewarm to harm My children. My innocents’ blood cries to Me with a loud voice for My Righteous Judgements to fall on those demonic spirits who tried to devour Mine. I AM shut the lion’s mouths for My beloved. My children have nothing to fear, remain under My wing, in My Presence. Endure to the end with My Help! (Isaiah 41)
Prepare yourselves to obey what I tell you to do according to My Word, Truth, despite the flesh’s feelings, and thoughts. Obey Me immediately. I might explain things to you but will you still trust ME even if you do not understand? Obey Me by faith, do not walk by what you see.
Remember all those in this world who do iniquity will be removed and never remembered again. (Isaiah 65) In Heaven, I wipe away every tear, there is no pain there. You will not remember your torments on earth by demons working through people. So if I tell you to turn away from someone, obey Me and seek Me for confirmation and direction. If you commit your way to Me, I will direct you with My Lamp Light. Jesus, your Savior, is My Word of Truth and He will never leave you as you abide in Me. Abide in Word, and let Word abide in you.
Let the blind, foolish virgins come to Me. Only I fill your lamps and give you instruction. The foolish virgins are those who are lukewarm toward Me. They have some Truth, they believe they are Mine. They believe that they are to wait for Me, like the wise in Me are.
The foolish, lukewarm virgins are used to getting their oil from other people. That is why they did not know that they were to bring an extra flask of oil. The people they trusted in never told them to seek Me, but just trust in men’s understanding of My word. My Word is Spirit and Life (John 6) and the sinful cannot know it, even if they accepted My salvation…they never counted the cost or obeyed all of My Word. They believe what people told them and remained comforted in their ways.
The foolish virgins did not know they were fools. They did not know they were deceived. They never sought Me, so they did not know that satan works through people like 2 Peter 2 talks about. Everyone has My Word, just like the rich man in hell’s brothers had My Word and they needed to seek Me for themselves. The foolish virgins were able to sleep just like the wise. Why? Because they intellectually believed they were secure in Me. They believed the twisted Word, satan twists My Word, and they never sought Me for Truth. For the wisdom I say to – with all your getting – to get, to labor not for carnal things but for food and living water that I give.
So when the virgins woke up, and the Bridegroom was announced, the fools saw that they didn’t have enough. This was the first time they looked at their lives and saw how empty they were of faith in Word. What did the fools do? Did they fall before God and ask for mercy? Did they take responsibility for their mistake and go fix it right away? No. They turned to other people. To the wise whom they shunned as being too holy and square. They had not asked My wise ones for Truth before. They disobeyed Me and trusted in men. So when they were in trouble, they didn’t turn to Me, but to other people.
The wise did not try to save the lukewarm. They simply told them to go get their own oil. The wise obey Me and when I tell you to turn away from a hypocrite, to not greet them or eat with them or keep company with (fools will harm those around them because they worship self). The world and the Laodicean church are friends. They agree with demonic wisdom that says: “How can you obey God and let the dead bury the dead? So judgmental!” (the blind do not know what My discernment is. They do not know how to bear My fruit. They choose to ignore My Word, so they choose their lack of knowledge. They choose the death that comes from ignoring Me. When I tell you to dust off your feet and turn away, obey Me. It will be costly to your flesh, so stay in Me with Word replacing your own thoughts, feelings, words, choices. I live in Mine who submit to My will.
This is one way that the works of the enemy are defeated. If you obey Me and turn from the self-loving hypocrites as I lead you, the work of the enemy is defeated by your obedience to Word. If someone sins against you or others in your presence, by turning away as I direct, the enemy loses his ability to work in the lukewarm persons life (if you aren’t around they cannot sin against you so that is less sin that is added to their account)…the enemy’s work is defeated in YOUR life because you are not agreeing with sin which opens a foothold for demonic activity in your life. Also, you won’t sin by enabling the lukewarm person’s sin – if you do not shut sin down, your allowing it to continue causes the sinner to think it is okay to sin. If you do not STOP gossip, for example, you enable sin, you agree with the sin, and both of you will become blind if you continue in the sin.
Do you understand that it is My Love that says NO to sin? The tares will hate you more when you say NO to enabling their sin. You are loving them when you turn from trying to save them and leave them in My hands. Follow My lead, you will potentially be shocked at the tare which you thought was wheat.
The wise virgins did not try to save the foolish. They only pointed them to Me and left it as the foolish virgin’s responsibility to seek Me. But it was too late for them. They dismissed all My warnings sent to them throughout their lives. They chose to harden their hearts and cling to their sin that they thought I did not see when I called to them to come to Me and let Me cleanse them, forgive them, and give them a clean heart.
The wise in Me know that they cannot save anyone. Mine sow and water, I do the growing and calling. Wise are focused on Me and My Will because they know that I Am the place for the lukewarm to find Life. My children know that obedience to Me is better than sacrifice. The wise do not sacrifice their own oil, evn if they could. But that is what the foolish virgins wanted. They wanted something that they didn’t labor to receive. It’s why the lukewarm will be forced off their fence when My Judgements come to earth. They will run to people as they always have to help them. Mine are not responsible to give them oil, indeed they cannot. Point them to Me, I am abundant in mercy. Each soul must buy from Me.
My remnant, you know Me. You serve Me where I place you and you and obey Me. Your inheritance as my adopted child through My Son is being prepared. I would not have said so if it were not true. Now are the days that My living and active Word must be ingested. John 6. The carnal do not understand and they took My Word regarding eating My Flesh and drinking My Blood literally and they turned away from Me when things got difficult or confusing. Will you also leave Me, or do I have The Words of Life for you?
Just as the tares are being made manifest, so are My priests and kings, made so through My Son. My Holy Spirit is teaching those who seek Me. My prophesies that were sealed for the last days are being understood by My Righteous ones who walk according to My Spirit. Who have obeyed My Word when the lukewarm tares around you laughed and scoffed at you.
Mine have always lived as though I could return at any time. These are My wise ones who are ready. Keep your garments clean as you look up – your Redemption is Nigh. Endure and obey. My fruit will be seen in My children. Mine will be protected while My judgements fall. Do not fear persecution or death, I will never leave you. Never.
Mine obey My instructions and are not at risk of looking back from Me like Lot’s wife. She could not let go of the people and things that held her heart more than Me. I am the same. Endure, keep watch, look for Me. Soon.
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