
seek MY face – M Goss

seek MY face

Dec 30, 2019 5:57 PM
Melinda Goss

Hello brothers and sisters this evening I was led by The Spirit with a sense of urgency to share 2 messages that I received in September & October of 2018. Also, when I opened up my notebook it opened exactly on the page, so it is a confirmation that I am to get this word out right now. May the Lord bless you and keep you all much love your sister in Christ

First message: September 17, 2018

The lines of reality are about to become very blurry. This is why I have said to seek MY face only, so you will know the truth and not deception. I will come quickly stand strong, stand firm.

Second message: October 2, 2018

Tell MY children
Tell them…
Why do you doubt?
Why do you look to the enemy for answers only I can give?
I have said to seek MY face only.
Will you not obey?
Seek MY face,
Seek MY will!
I will prepare,
I will deliver,
I will establish MY throne on Earth as it is in heaven. The battle is already won. MY kingdom will come.
MY will, will be done!
Seek truth, speak truth, love truth.



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