A Daughter of Messiah
Wednesday, July 4, 2018
June 28, 2018
Daughter, Write these Words,
I have called you to walk according to My statues, My anointing rests upon you to bring My truth to a lost and dying world … At times things seem overwhelming and hopeless, but I SAY, I AM the hope to all who will cry out to Me, I AM the way to the river of life, In Me all things are possible … I never leave or forsake My own.
My truth is not mans truth, My ways are much higher, therefore, because men refuse to seek My Word to find truth, they fail and become corrupt in their own minds, causing a separation from MY Spirit.
I have made known in My Word the way in which to walk, but most refuse My path … My path is life to all who choose to walk with Me … My path is light in the darkness of a sinful and broken world.
July 3-4 2018
I cry out to a broken people wondering about without purpose, never taking the time to read My Word … If they read My Word, they would understand My love for them, they would understand I am their deliverer and shield, leading them unto Myself … They suffer needlessly, I’m only a prayer away.
Some only cry out to Me when they’re in trouble, then they go about their own way, putting Me away until the next time, THIS SHOULD NOT BE! I AM HOLY, NOT A CASUAL GOD, the only thing that keeps them, is MY GRACE!
Putting hope in man is fruitless, it bares selfishness and carnality and takes My children down a path of separation from Me … Why would you choose death over life? I give life in abundance, overflowing with blessings and joy … In Me you will find comfort and clear direction.
Taking time with Me and reading My Word will lead to understanding and help you in your daily walk … It’s your choice, choose wisely … Seek Me while I may be found, for darkness is very close.
Thank You Yeshua for this Word, I love you so much.
Isaiah 55:6-9 Psalm 16:11, 25:4, 28:7, 32:8, 119:105 Proverbs 3:5-6 Matthew 19:26
Hebrews 13:5
Reading of this blog is on the Youtube ministry @Geneva Goodman
A Daughter of Messiah at 2:23:00 PM