
Season of Moouuurrrnning – LaTonya Canada-Christ

Season of Moouuurrrnning – LaTonya Canada-Christ

Jan 24, 2019, 8:36 PM

Received Jan 23, 2019 at 9:16

“LaTonya take a message.”

“LaTonya I will not endure it any longer. I cannot stomach the debauchery, the lasciviousness, the foolishness, the murder, the evil…wickedness all throughout this land! It sickens Me. It makes me vomit. And yet I have a heart of mercy begging many of My own to return to Me, to exalt Me and not their idols, their Sunday idols. I have been more than fair, more than understanding, more than kind, more than patient BUT I AM no fool. I will hide My eye from the gross depravity no longer. You said it earlier, To everything their is a season. And now the people, the princes, the priests, and the king will mourn. you have had your play time and now is the Day of Reckoning. You will reckon with the statutes and commands of love from the Great I AM. You won’t laugh and mock and scorn and make jokes of My name or My people. In fact, you shall seek them out but they will not be found by you. No, I have cried out into the streets with My Wisdom, yet you press Me for My retribution. You dare Me to prove I am God. Well you shall see and regret your actions, your words of spurning Me. You shall no longer refer to Me as a plaything or a joke ever again. You will tremble with My name on your lips. For this is the Season of Mourning. So let it be written, so let it be done.”


“My Children, draw unto Me closer still. I have more for you. And you are increasing in power. Don’t let the outward appearances fool you. I am arising upon you My Bride. Hasten unto Me.”

Received Jan 23, 2019 at 9:16 LaTonya Canada-Christ


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