
Seal up this word and deliver it to the churches – Immanuel Acree

Seal up this word and deliver it to the churches

Nov 2, 2019
Immanuel Acree


“Take your pen and write, saith the Lord:
“I will show you My greatness but you will not understand it. Within you lies the evil one; he never stops using you therefore you must be diligent to put his work to an end. With Me there is light. All else leads to failure. Take no notice of the wicked. They shall soon perish. I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world. My longsuffering will carry you through to the end. Be patient as My promises are not easy to come by. I will walk with you through the fire and you will not be burned. There is one who will destroy what I have planted in you if you do not guard it carefully. Seek not to exalt yourselves in My presence. I am lowly and humble in heart. Take no notice of yesterday. Be purified in Me. With Me, there is healing.
“Seal up this word and deliver it to the churches.”

Nov 2 2019


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