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Seal One Has Opened, The Cornerstone (Key) for the 4th Beast End of Days KINGDOM – SJWellFire

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Seal One Has Opened, The Cornerstone (Key) for the 4th Beast End of Days KINGDOM [Updated]

October 24, 2022 10:51 PM
Scott @ SJWellFire

I was a decent student through grad school but a terrible writer..   But I was convicted to write a book on what is coming and how the Fourth Beast System is being built with Seal One being opened and Rev. 9 that is really about plagues.  The Fourth Beast System is Iron (graphene oxide) mixed in Clay (you).   It is a gene war as the Days of Noah.  Noah was pure in his generations (meaning DNA was not defiled by the fallen angels).   The book covers a new POV on how the abomination of desolation is really about defiling the temple of God that is you via transhumanism.   MRNa tech changes Gods DNA, just like as the days of Noah.   And last, could the 10 Kingdoms be Tech companies since they have one mind, I.E. hive mind.  I cover a bunch of dreams as well.   Note, I’m looking for an editor for the first two were really upset because they took the poke.



[pdf-embedder url=”https://444prophecynews.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/SealOneOpenedPrimeFourthBeastKingdomIronMixedwithClayYou.pdf”]

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Photos courtesy Depositphotos 


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