Sep 26, 2019 2:22 PM
Bella Orsi
The enemy will entice you with power, wealth and riches. Mammon signifies money and wealth. When our stewardship of wealth does not align with God’s purpose and plan, we can open ourselves to a door of demonic activities to enter and affect our lives and the lives of our love ones.
I find that covetousness can lead us astray and away from God. It encourages us to trust in our material possessions when we turn from God. When we attempt to serve God and Mammon we become unstable, double-mindedness. When this happens, we recognize MAMMON as a god when it leads us to worship material possession.
Did you know money can have curses attached to it? The bible list some names of people who were cursed by wealth or driven to impure motives to gain it. Judas, Esau, Gehazi, Ananias, Sapphira, Lot, Achan are a few examples you can research on your own. As we move forward with our spiritual knowledge against the enemy , we must renounce every issue of covetousness that is tied to MAMMON to break the curses.
Money is good when it is a servant to us and to God. However, we can become slaves to its dominion. It can become our idol. That is when it truly can become an evil eye. If we do not give and steward our own resources properly, we can become blinded by the deceitfulness of riches. The evil eye on the dollar bill becomes a demonic reality that blinds us and vexes our spirit.
In prayer, pray like this ~ Ask the Lord Jesus to shine his light on all darkness so you can see. Cry out for this in prayer over your life, family, territory, business and over your ministry if you have one. Let evil be revealed to you of the enemies motives. Make the windows of heaven open, every dark spiritual force that is trapped, oppressing or tormenting us in the past will flee. To give us a wind of change to blow apon us so we gain success in struggle against some difficulty or some obstacle that is impeding our path.
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