Saint, what are you doing on the street wearing a Guy Fawkes mask?
December 20, 2020 2:22 PM
JFKREE Freedom
Message received December 20, 2020
I Know of a Reason the Gunpowder Treason should Truly be Forgot
Remember, remember, the 5th of November, the gunpowder, treason, and plot. I know of a reason the gunpowder treason should truly be forgot.
Saint, what are you doing on the street wearing a Guy Fawkes mask? You don’t really know who the real guy was. He was a hero in his own right, but is he a hero in my eyes? I tell you, no he wasn’t. And neither are you if you act like him.
You want to blow up the systems of the world? Then you will have to destroy everything, Saint, and that is my job. I will push the reset button, not you. I don’t mean the Great Reset, that’s a different matter.
And now, Saint, for the marching orders I promised. Stand firm. That is of paramount importance in these times. Waves will try to knock you down and drown you, but you must stay firm. Are you ready for the flood? Oh yeah, these are the Days of Noah, played out again for history to repeat itself. Only the few striving to gain entrance to my Secret Place, the Ark of Safety, will make it through these terrible times.
Did you think you’re exempt from trials, my child? I tell you, No. And again, No! Who put that idea into your head? I will stop there but more can be said on that topic.
Relieve the little ones of their burdens at school. Do not take classes and school so seriously, for soon it will be no more. The system is collapsing around you like buildings in an earthquake. Give the little ones time to relax, have fun, and spend time in my Word. Explain the hard passages to them. No, they’re not too young! Even a child can grasp the deep meanings in my kingdom.
Are you ready, Saint, to gear up for battle? Get ready get ready get ready! Hut!
Bible verses:
Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. –Ephesians 6:3