Pastor Benjamin Faircloth
Sunday July 9, 2017
“With smiling faces, men shake hands. Deals are made for peace they declare, but within their hearts deception is the plan!
Sabotage is coming to your land! A device and a scheme to derail the peace and prosperity that echoes throughout your land. This is a false peace and promise of prosperity, built on sand! A shaking is coming to the land and My Church. A removing of the guard; a new sentry shall stand at the gates, but not to protect, but to direct your enemies plan.
I warned this nation of the soon coming hour of destruction, yet she refuses to hear My Call! My Cry is overcome by the sounds of festivals and parties, yet time marches on, and judgement moves ever so closer!
This is the hour says your God, that My True Church will arise; out of the ashes of chaos and crisis, shall she arise with My Glory upon Her and My Words within Her mouth; and great shall be My Harvest!
(Scripture references: Jeremiah 19 & 20)