
Rise Up My Saints – Tess Ann McAllister

Tess Ann MacAlilister


“Rise up my saints”

Dear Lord Jesus do you have a message for us today ? Yes daughter I do. Yea I confess Jesus Christ has come in the flesh. It is I the Lord Jesus that speaks to you this day. Daughter I am using you as a willing vessel in which to speak through. Today I have a word for you and the rest of my saints my end time army and bride . This is not for the lukewarm, unbelieving, wicked, rebellious,unholy, disobedient, etc. This message is specifically for my true servants disciples and followers. Those who are living holy set apart lives and those who obey my commandments. Daughter prophesy unto your brothers and sisters. My people there is still much to do for my glory and still many seeds that need to be planted in this season of harvest. I will continue to pour out my anointing and spirit upon all who surrender to me and who turn from their wicked ways. This is a season of spiritual harvest my people. Time is short I am coming very soon to bring you all home but first you must complete and finish your purposes here on Earth. I am moving in big ways in these last days. My saved and sealed ones do you know what season you are living in ? Because of your prayers many are giving their lives to me!!! My people now is not the time to leave your posts or get lukewarm or backslide or lose focus of me. Now is not the time to become complacent or lazy. My people you are living in a time like no other. You were chosen for such a time as this!!! You were born for this hour. Do not lose focus of me no matter what happens to you or your families continue to trust and turn to me. Ask for my blood covering and supernatural peace to sustain you in the coming days weeks and months ahead. I cannot reveal the exact timing of my coming but what I can tell you is I am coming much sooner than you all think. Keep the faith until the end. My people fear not I am with you in every movement of your lives. I will never leave or forsake you . I am faithful and true. My promises do not fail. For these final moments before I come for you I will be using you my holy sanctified vessels to bring light to a dark lost anti God world. You are my salt and oil lamp-stands. Now is the time to fill your lamps with spiritual oil. The attacks of the enemy are only going to get worse as the enemy knows his time is coming to an end. You will need a great amount of faith and spiritual strength to endure until the end. Keep the faith no matter what happens. My saints I say the time to RISE UP !!!! Is now It’s time to show the world me and my ways. My sanctified army I will continue to guide, instruct, comfort, anoint, counsel, convict and humble you to bring in the greatest harvest of souls and manifestations of my spirit and glory this world has ever seen!!!. Rise up my saints rise up !!!. Listen for my voice spend quality time with me!!!. I am calling you !!!. YAHUSHUA HAMASAICH ( KING OF KINGS) JESUS


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